Do you ever suffer from the symptoms of a panic attack? -- Joe Berry
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-A pou nding heart, or an accelerated heart rate
-Trembling or shaking
-Shortness of breath
-A choking sensation
-Nausea or stomach cramps .
-A feeling of being dizzy, -unsteady, Light headed, or faint
-Derealization (a feeling of unreality)
-or Depersonalization (a feeling of being detached from oneself)
-Fear of losing control or going crazy
-Fear of dying
-Numbness or a tingling sensation
-Chills or warm flushes
Do these symptoms sound in any way familiar? Maybe your bodily sensations are a little different. Maybe the first time you experienced them was when you were on a plane, in the dentist chair or even at home, doing nothing in particular. If you have ever had what has become know as a 'panic attack', take comfort in the fact that you are by no means alone.
A pa nic attack always contains the threat of impending doom. You feel you are either about to lose your mind, or one of your vital bodily functions is about to cease functioning, and that you will end your days right there among strangers in the supermarket queue!
I want to share with you firstly the fact that there is great hope. You do not have to spend the rest of your life worrying about when the next one will strike. In fact you do not have to spend another moment worrying about panic attacks. You can be rid of panic attacks and anxiety disorders
-Let me explain how and tell you a little about myself.
My name is Joe Barry and like you I too suffered from Panic Attacks. Mine were on a very regular basis. I was in my firs t year of college studies when I had my first panic attack. I felt my world was coming down around me.
I had no idea what a panic attack was at the time and naturally jumped to conclusions that things were far worse than they really were. I quite literally thought I was dying. For the next year I spent almost all my time and energy worrying when and where the next attack would arrive. I refused to seek help and carried small bottles of alcohol around as a safety measure in case I felt a panic attack coming.
Basically I was terrified. At night I would spend hours researching the causes of panic attacks and trying out all manners of techniques to help eliminate them. I became an expert on anxiety but none of that helped me stop the attacks -nothing was making me better.
My world was becoming smaller and people were beginning to worry about me. Due to the high anxiety I was also suffering from, I experienced a strange sensation of derealization, whereby it seemed nothing felt real; as if I was looking at the world through a pane of glass -not really connecting, just caught up in a cycle of scary thoughts and feelings. Not a very nice place to be.
It was exactly when I was at my most low that I stumbled across a technique by accident that fully turned my life around. This technique helped me stop panic attacks in their tracks. I could not believe it, it was like winning the lottery. I was delighted but skeptical and waited a few more days to see if it would work again. It did. Again and again.
I was suddenly in char ge of the anxiety and my life once more. It was an really wonderful feeling of gaining control of my life again.
Over the course of a week or two my general anxiety levels dropped to zero and my self confidence soared. Like a man released form a prison sentence I wanted to catch up on all the things I had postponed due to my high anxiety - things like flying away on holiday or going on away on weekends with friends.
Once cured, I wanted to let others know what was going on with me and maybe share the technique with people that were also having a similar problem. I had no idea then where this would lead me.
I discovered many people I knew had suffered from something very similar. I began sharing my ideas, and put together a rough version of what is now known as the PANIC AWAY course. The basis of the course is built around the technique that eliminates panic attacks. This technique later became know as the ONE MOVE technique.
The results were astounding. People were thanking me for having restored a quality of life they thought would never return. All I was doing was showing them the way I found my way out of an anxiety disorder. People reported instant panic reversal and later results confirmed that the technique was not only effective straight away but also a permanent drug free solution to a range of panic disorders.
I have since taught the course to thousands of people around the world with similar success. The bottom line is that there is great hope for anyone suffering from
panic attacks. The course has developed in leaps and bounds. I have coached people who have suffered from anxiety disorders for over 30 years, and they have reported excellent results within days of using the course and applying the tools and techniques.
---Joe Berry
A dedicated(self-help)website to help People who are Depressed and Suffering from Mind related Problems, Anxiety, Panic Attack, Hypnotism, Bipolar Disorder,Fear of Death,Concentration problems, Sleeping Disorders, Mental Illness,hangover anxiety, Agarophobia | Others.
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