11 June 2008

Anxiety and philosophy

by Robert Good.

Anxiety and philosophy - what the heck do they have in
common, and why's it important for you? Read on and I'll tell

Back in high school I read a philosophical essay by Albert
Camus called "The Myth of Sisyphus." (Bear with me here it
will all make sense in a moment)

It made a BIG impression on me. In the essay, Camus talks
about man's futile search for a sense of meaning in the face
of crazy illogical world. He goes on and compares the
craziness and struggles of our lives with the situation of

Sisyphus was a figure of Greek mythology, who was condemned
to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a rock
up a mountain, only to see it roll down again. Don't we all
know *that* feeling all to well?!

Anyway, Camus concludes by saying:

"The struggle itself is enough to fill a man's heart. One
must imagine Sisyphus happy."

Read that quote again. Why? Because in those few words you
will find one of the keys for conquering your anxiety. There
are two reasons...

Reason One: Emotional control and happiness is an ongoing
process. When you are worried and wracked with anxiety, or
down and depressed, those feelings occupy you at the expense
of too many other things. I've been there.

And in fact I still have "off" days every now and again
*Everyone does* But that's not important. What is important
is how you handle pushing that rock up the hill only for it
to roll all the way back down again...

Like many people I'd get fed-up and down about the constant
seemingly non-stop struggle and worry. But I was totally
blind to what was really going on...

But now, when I have an off day, I'm aware of what's
happening. I ask myself "What's really happening, RIGHT NOW,
this very second?"; I bring my mind back to the present

When my mind is in the present moment, it's not wallowing
about the past, or worrying about the future. Yes, sometimes
being in the present moment hurts, but by being aware of it,
by accepting your anxiety and depression now, it begins to

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04 June 2008

Two Words That Drive Your Anxiety.....

If you suffer from general anxiety you may find yourself
saying things like: "What if I get cancer?", "What if my
partner is falling out of love with me?", "What if I say
something and look like an idiot?", "What if I can't meet
that deadline at work?","What if I mess up that
presentation?", "What if...?"

All these "what ifs...?" keep anxiety stoked. When you are
worrying or anxious there is a stream of these "what if...?"
thoughts. So, what to do?

Well there are a number of methods you can use. But I'll
teach you a very simple one you can begin using today,
quickly and easily. It's a two step process...

1. Become Aware. Usually these "what if...?" thoughts happen
so automatically and naturally they barely register in
your conscious mind, you get caught up in a sort of
day-dream, or should that be day-mare! So the first step
is to become *aware* of when you are caught up in the
"what if...?" process. Just notice, and be aware.

2. So what...? When you become aware that you're in an
anxious or worrisome moment *reframe* you thoughts.
Instead of saying "what if...?" say to yourself "so what
if...?" This is a subtle but very significant change in
your relationship with worry. Saying "what if...?" is like
trying to confront an undefeatable enemy face-on and
battling away, but the more you do so the more drained you
become. Here, you can't win. But saying "so what if...?"
is like mentally shrugging your shoulders and just walking
away from that enemy. When you do this you save yourself a
whole lot of mental and physical energy.

While this method won't cure anxiety, for many people it
certainly takes the edge off. Give it a try, you might be
pleasantly surprised. If you want to really defeat anxiety,
once and for all then why not give it a try ....
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