18 July 2008

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer......

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer with

Fact: This simply is not true. I know this to be a fact
because of my own personal experience. You can overcome
depression once and for all.

This myth has been perpetuated by the pharmaceutical
companies and the medical establishment. It is in the best
interest of those who make their living through these
avenues to have you believe you will never be able to
overcome your depression.

It all boils down to a simple matter of economics. This is
not a bad thing. It is, however, in your best interest to
be aware of the truth of the matter.

Have you ever heard the phrase "knowledge is power"? Well,
in the case of depression that is a true and powerful

Once you know the true cause of depression you will have
everything you need in order to eliminate it from your life
for good.

The true cause of depression is revealed in plain language
anyone can understand in Chapter 15 of my ebook.

Learn more regarding depression... it's true cause, how
to stop the pain and how to heal it once and for all in my
book "You Can Heal Your Depression Now!--No Expensive
Therapy... No Dangerous Antidepressants."

My mission is to provide beneficial information to people
who desire, and unquestionably deserve, to live a wonderful
quality of life.

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How can we boost our mental health in the COVID-19 era to minimize the impact of the virus and the “social distancing” in our lives, and to ...