29 July 2008

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer with........

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer with

Fact: This simply is not true. I know this to be a fact
because of my own personal experience. You can overcome
depression once and for all.

This myth has been perpetuated by the pharmaceutical
companies and the medical establishment. It is in the best
interest of those who make their living through these
avenues to have you believe you will never be able to
overcome your depression.

It all boils down to a simple matter of economics. This is
not a bad thing. It is, however, in your best interest to
be aware of the truth of the matter.

Have you ever heard the phrase "knowledge is power"? Well,
in the case of depression that is a true and powerful

Once you know the true cause of depression you will have
everything you need in order to eliminate it from your life
for good.

Learn more

regarding depression... it's true cause, how to stop the pain and how to heal it once and for all in my
book "You Can Heal Your Depression Now!--No Expensive
Therapy... No Dangerous Antidepressants."

24 July 2008

How To Heal Depression Naturally Without Therapy

Dear Fellow Depression Sufferer,

For less than the cost of one group therapy session I can show you how to experience:

More enjoyment of life…
More energy…
More control of your life…

If these are things you'd like to experience, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read!

Here's why…

I can assure you you're not “nuts” – there’s a legitimate reason for your feelings…

You’ll discover the REAL REASON you’re depressed (and it may surprise you)...

Discover the “secrets” for how to put an end to the depression that is controlling your life…

Knowledge gives you power! Once you know the true cause of your depression you will have what you need to begin the journey to living a life free of depression.
This is the one single solution you’ve been searching for to free you from the bonds of your depression.

I will give you a proven, powerful method anyone can use for ending depression once and for all. You can do what I did and begin to feel better fast!

Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. You’re probably wondering why I think I’m qualified to write about this subject since I’m not a psychologist or psychiatrist… heck, I’m not even a psychiatric nurse. But, here are three good reasons I can back up what I claim:

Click here to continue.....

18 July 2008

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer......

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer with

Fact: This simply is not true. I know this to be a fact
because of my own personal experience. You can overcome
depression once and for all.

This myth has been perpetuated by the pharmaceutical
companies and the medical establishment. It is in the best
interest of those who make their living through these
avenues to have you believe you will never be able to
overcome your depression.

It all boils down to a simple matter of economics. This is
not a bad thing. It is, however, in your best interest to
be aware of the truth of the matter.

Have you ever heard the phrase "knowledge is power"? Well,
in the case of depression that is a true and powerful

Once you know the true cause of depression you will have
everything you need in order to eliminate it from your life
for good.

The true cause of depression is revealed in plain language
anyone can understand in Chapter 15 of my ebook.

Learn more regarding depression... it's true cause, how
to stop the pain and how to heal it once and for all in my
book "You Can Heal Your Depression Now!--No Expensive
Therapy... No Dangerous Antidepressants."

My mission is to provide beneficial information to people
who desire, and unquestionably deserve, to live a wonderful
quality of life.

Click here to get Breaking News and Latest Updates

15 July 2008

Depression Tips

1. First and foremost, ‘talk’.

Talking to someone close to you can go a long way in keeping away the blues. Your spouse/partner, your parents, your siblings or your close friends can be your pillar of strength during this depressive phase. Always remember… those who love you, will not judge you based on your weaknesses and will definitely give you the support you need.

2. Exercise.

Take a walk or jog a while. If you’re into sports like basketball or baseball, go sweat it out in the court or on the field. Exercising helps the release of endorphins, which in turn stimulate happiness.

3. Cry.

Experts believe that crying relieves a lot of stress. You’ll feel better once you’ve wet those eyes a bit.

4. Get some sunlight.

One of the simplest ways to get rid of depression is to step outdoors. Sunlight will surely make you feel better, especially if you tend to stay holed up in your house or in poorly lit environment.

5. Music to the rescue.

Listening to peppy numbers does surely elevate the spirits. Put on your dancing shoes and shake a leg to some groovy numbers. Join some salsa classes or take ballroom lessons. The Fred Astaire feel will make you float on air!

6. Don’t stay idle.

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop… an oft used phrase. Well, it’s true. The more occupied you are doing chores, the lesser the time, that you’ll spend thinking about depressing things.

7. Write.

Making your journal your best buddy would help you pour out your feelings and frustrations. You could chart out how you want to go about planning your strategy to combat depression.

8. Diet.

A well balanced nutritious diet would help you stay focused and keep your mind and body in perfect order, helping you cope better with anxiety during depressive phases.

9. Get a hug.

So get one of your loved ones to give you a nice, tight hug and you’ll be feeling much brighter and cheerful.

10. Seek professional help.

If the depression persists for more than two weeks, with periods of lack of sleep or change in appetite or a feeling of despair or worthlessness, consult a specialist. Remember, that the doctor is your best friend and the more you let him/her know how you’re feeling, the better and quicker will your recovery be. Anti- depressants can help you shorten your recovery period.

Follow these tips and you’ll be fast tracking your way to recovery, holding your head really high!

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