People who have anxiety and panic attacks often fear doing something out of character or fear they might lose control in front of other people.
If you are such a person I hope to put your mind at rest. Firstly, it is important to rememb er you are feeling this way because of the heightened state of stress your body is under. You feel out of touch because of the tension in your body which is mental, physical and emotional. This tension creates inner pressure that makes you feel you have the potential to lose control. I guarantee this will pass as soon as your body returns to a more balanced state.
Once the anxiety dwindles you will stop having that specific fear. You will have to trust me on that as it is difficult to imagine being free in the midst of the constant anxiousness. Remember this- In almost all cases those that fear they might do something out of control never do lose control.
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Did you know:
The key difference between someone who is cured of panic attacks and those who are not is really very simple. The one who is cured is not afraid o f panic attacks. I'll try to show you how to one of these people as well.
What if I told you the trick to ending panic and anxiety attacks is to want to have one. That sounds strange but let me explain.
The trick to panic attacks is wanting to have one- the wanting pushes it away. Can you have a panic attack in this very second? No !
You know the saying "What you resist persists." Well that saying applies perfectly to fear. If you resist a situation out of fear, the fear around that issue will persist. How do you stop resisting? You move directly into the path of the anxiety; by doing so it cannot persist.
In essence what that means is that if you daily voluntarily seek out a panic attack you cannot have one. Try in this very moment to have a panic attack and I will guarantee you cannot. You may not realize it but you have always decided to panic. You make the choice by thinking "This is beyond my control."
It may help if you imagine that having a panic attack is like standing on a cliff edge. The anxiety, it seems, is pushing you closer to falling over the edge.
To be rid of the fear you must metaphorically jump. You must jump off the cliff edge and into the anxiety and fear and all the things that you fear most.
How do you jump –You jump by wanting to have a panic attack.
You go about your day asking for anxiety and panic attacks to appear.
Your real safety is the fact that a panic attack will never harm you. That is medical fact. You are safe, or the sensations are wild but no harm will come to you. Your heart is racing but no harm will come to you. The jump becomes nothing more than a two inch drop! Perfectly safe.
Trust that medical knowledge. Be assured by it -Think of all the attacks you have had to date and come out the other end. Was there any lasting physical damage to you, other than the mounting feeling of panic?
Now you are going to do it differently – You actively seek out the attack like an adventure seeker. Begin right now and for the rest of the day go out and actua lly hoping you will have a panic attack.
Some of this information forms a small part of the Panic Away course I teach which eliminates panic attacks for people immediately. My course Panic Away has proved highly successful with both long and short term sufferers of panic attacks.
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A dedicated(self-help)website to help People who are Depressed and Suffering from Mind related Problems, Anxiety, Panic Attack, Hypnotism, Bipolar Disorder,Fear of Death,Concentration problems, Sleeping Disorders, Mental Illness,hangover anxiety, Agarophobia | Others.
25 December 2007
15 June 2007
Positive Brain Washing-Thinking
Brainwashing is a term perceived in a negative way by most people. But you know what, I think our brains could actually do with a bit of a washing sometimes!
You see, everyone comes into this world with a clear mind, and a belief that everything is possible. All is positive and well. Remember as a child, you could do and become everything, without any boundaries!
As we grow up however, we pick up beliefs, fears and limitations from our surroundings and peers that gradually form the person we are today. A lot of these beliefs unfortunately are negative and as we build our lives they limit us in our actions and being. Very often they therefore contribute to unhappiness or feeling unfulfilled in our lives and business.
It can be the smallest -- seemingly harmless -- remark from a mother like “just let me handle that, you are no good at that” that can convince you that you are not good at a certain task. A teacher who calls a pupil “the clumsy one” can do more harm with this remark than he realizes when repeated often enough. With every remark the belief is harnessed further in the child that it indeed is clumsy. Even though a remark is said with a smile or with the intend to be funny, it still leaves a legacy in the belief system.
This programming of course doesn’t stop at adulthood, it keeps influencing people in all stages of life. We are being influenced by our parents, kids, partner, friends, colleagues, television, newspapers, magazines and so on. Sometimes positive, but very often in a negative way. No wonder we limit ourselves in so many ways! Belief is the key to your success. If you belief you can do something, you can. If you belief you can’t do something, you will be right too.
The good news is: we can “reprogram” our
mind and replace our negative, limiting beliefs for positive contributing ones. Positive brainwashing is what I like to call it!
An example is “I easily do 10 sales calls a day”. Or “I am an excellent negotiator”. By stating this positive affirmation regularly during your day, you will achieve the goal you have set for yourself easier. This positive self talk helps your mind to overcome beliefs that you have about yourself, that limit your success and actions. Compare our mind with a computer: when you change the input, the output will change accordingly.
So if you have the limiting belief that you are no good in public speaking (probably because of negative experiences in the past) you can actually reprogram your mind by stating the following affirmation: “ I am an excellent public speaker. I love to speak for huge audiences and people love to hear me talk”. By affirming this belief over and over, you actually start to believe it and your mind will find a way to make this statement a reality. At some stage, you might decide to do a course in public speaking, or someone might ask you to speak at some kind of seminar, which forces you to work on your speaking skills. Somehow, this positive affirmation help you to reach the ‘goal’ you have set for yourself, and open doors for you that would normally would have been kept closed. And this works for virtually everything. Belief, and it will happen.
Imagine standing for a big river, with a heavy stream. You have to cross it, but you don’t think you can actually do it. Your belief is keeping you from crossing, although you physically should be able to do it easily. It just looks too hard! Then someone else comes up from behind you, and without thinking starts crossing the river and gets to the other side. His belief was positive, and he knew he could do it. The interesting thing is that this will probably influence your belief: “if he can do it, I can do it too” and you will then cross the river without any problem at all. Similar things happen when a group of people is introduced to the phenomenon of fire walking. At first a big group of people will say that there is no way they will walk on fire. Until…other people with higher beliefs go first, then all of a sudden everyone else rushes over to do it as well.
So think about YOUR beliefs, and try to discover which belief are actually holding you back from reaching your full potential in your life. Then, one by one, start eliminating these beliefs from your system. Formulate a positive affirmation that counters your negative belief, and re affirm it daily. Write them in your diary, on your bathroom mirror, next to your computer; anywhere you see it often and say the affirmation out loud as often as possible. You will be happily surprised by the results!
You see, everyone comes into this world with a clear mind, and a belief that everything is possible. All is positive and well. Remember as a child, you could do and become everything, without any boundaries!
As we grow up however, we pick up beliefs, fears and limitations from our surroundings and peers that gradually form the person we are today. A lot of these beliefs unfortunately are negative and as we build our lives they limit us in our actions and being. Very often they therefore contribute to unhappiness or feeling unfulfilled in our lives and business.
It can be the smallest -- seemingly harmless -- remark from a mother like “just let me handle that, you are no good at that” that can convince you that you are not good at a certain task. A teacher who calls a pupil “the clumsy one” can do more harm with this remark than he realizes when repeated often enough. With every remark the belief is harnessed further in the child that it indeed is clumsy. Even though a remark is said with a smile or with the intend to be funny, it still leaves a legacy in the belief system.
This programming of course doesn’t stop at adulthood, it keeps influencing people in all stages of life. We are being influenced by our parents, kids, partner, friends, colleagues, television, newspapers, magazines and so on. Sometimes positive, but very often in a negative way. No wonder we limit ourselves in so many ways! Belief is the key to your success. If you belief you can do something, you can. If you belief you can’t do something, you will be right too.
The good news is: we can “reprogram” our
mind and replace our negative, limiting beliefs for positive contributing ones. Positive brainwashing is what I like to call it!
An example is “I easily do 10 sales calls a day”. Or “I am an excellent negotiator”. By stating this positive affirmation regularly during your day, you will achieve the goal you have set for yourself easier. This positive self talk helps your mind to overcome beliefs that you have about yourself, that limit your success and actions. Compare our mind with a computer: when you change the input, the output will change accordingly.
So if you have the limiting belief that you are no good in public speaking (probably because of negative experiences in the past) you can actually reprogram your mind by stating the following affirmation: “ I am an excellent public speaker. I love to speak for huge audiences and people love to hear me talk”. By affirming this belief over and over, you actually start to believe it and your mind will find a way to make this statement a reality. At some stage, you might decide to do a course in public speaking, or someone might ask you to speak at some kind of seminar, which forces you to work on your speaking skills. Somehow, this positive affirmation help you to reach the ‘goal’ you have set for yourself, and open doors for you that would normally would have been kept closed. And this works for virtually everything. Belief, and it will happen.
Imagine standing for a big river, with a heavy stream. You have to cross it, but you don’t think you can actually do it. Your belief is keeping you from crossing, although you physically should be able to do it easily. It just looks too hard! Then someone else comes up from behind you, and without thinking starts crossing the river and gets to the other side. His belief was positive, and he knew he could do it. The interesting thing is that this will probably influence your belief: “if he can do it, I can do it too” and you will then cross the river without any problem at all. Similar things happen when a group of people is introduced to the phenomenon of fire walking. At first a big group of people will say that there is no way they will walk on fire. Until…other people with higher beliefs go first, then all of a sudden everyone else rushes over to do it as well.
So think about YOUR beliefs, and try to discover which belief are actually holding you back from reaching your full potential in your life. Then, one by one, start eliminating these beliefs from your system. Formulate a positive affirmation that counters your negative belief, and re affirm it daily. Write them in your diary, on your bathroom mirror, next to your computer; anywhere you see it often and say the affirmation out loud as often as possible. You will be happily surprised by the results!
19 February 2007
Mind Conditioning
FREUD says: all your thinking is association. If you see a dog in the
street, you start thinking about all the dogs you have seen from
childhood. Then you remember your childhood, you remember a teacher when
you were a child. There is no logical connection. When you start
verbalizing you miss reality. Every day the sun rises; every day the sun
sets; every day something new happens. To you it's one more Friday, one
more Saturday, another Sunday. The moment you label it as Friday, you
think you know everything about that day. You just take it for granted.
Because you take people for granted you don't enjoy your relationships.
You judge people first and collect arguments to support your judgment.
You can never step into the same river twice, because by that time it
has moved. People also move, they change, they are not the same as who
you met before. By the time you meet them again your husband/wife has
changed; something is added to them; either intelligence or foolishness.
But you don't agree. You hold on to the same mental setup.
Sushruta wrote 5,000 years ago. He talks about open heart surgeries and
transplants. He was a great enlightened Master. He said: every six
months your liver replaces itself completely. Not even one part is same.
Once in 21 days your intestine replaces itself. Modern day physiologists
agree. Every cell is replaced continuously.
Sushruta says: your mental structure plays a major role when these
changes take place. A disciple asks him: why do we carry diseases over a
number of years? Why does the new liver carry the same disease? Sushruta
replies: you don't believe you have changed, that's why. You carry the
same mental frame despite body change. That mental frame retains the
disease. You don't let go of that frame, you don't let go of that
disease. You don't let go of your samskara. Samskara is the powerful
mental root that drags you to travel the same. path.
Like Pavlov's dogs which came running and salivated even when no food
was served but the bell was rung, whenever you remember that past
situation or person you react the same way, you move in the same rut. In
the morning you worry about office, by evening you worry about your wife
and children, unconsciously, without reason. The mood remains low even
if you do not realize why. You do not live based on intelligence, you
live based on information.
- By Nithyananda Sri Paramahansa
street, you start thinking about all the dogs you have seen from
childhood. Then you remember your childhood, you remember a teacher when
you were a child. There is no logical connection. When you start
verbalizing you miss reality. Every day the sun rises; every day the sun
sets; every day something new happens. To you it's one more Friday, one
more Saturday, another Sunday. The moment you label it as Friday, you
think you know everything about that day. You just take it for granted.
Because you take people for granted you don't enjoy your relationships.
You judge people first and collect arguments to support your judgment.
You can never step into the same river twice, because by that time it
has moved. People also move, they change, they are not the same as who
you met before. By the time you meet them again your husband/wife has
changed; something is added to them; either intelligence or foolishness.
But you don't agree. You hold on to the same mental setup.
Sushruta wrote 5,000 years ago. He talks about open heart surgeries and
transplants. He was a great enlightened Master. He said: every six
months your liver replaces itself completely. Not even one part is same.
Once in 21 days your intestine replaces itself. Modern day physiologists
agree. Every cell is replaced continuously.
Sushruta says: your mental structure plays a major role when these
changes take place. A disciple asks him: why do we carry diseases over a
number of years? Why does the new liver carry the same disease? Sushruta
replies: you don't believe you have changed, that's why. You carry the
same mental frame despite body change. That mental frame retains the
disease. You don't let go of that frame, you don't let go of that
disease. You don't let go of your samskara. Samskara is the powerful
mental root that drags you to travel the same. path.
Like Pavlov's dogs which came running and salivated even when no food
was served but the bell was rung, whenever you remember that past
situation or person you react the same way, you move in the same rut. In
the morning you worry about office, by evening you worry about your wife
and children, unconsciously, without reason. The mood remains low even
if you do not realize why. You do not live based on intelligence, you
live based on information.
- By Nithyananda Sri Paramahansa
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