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05 November 2006
Money is Your Reward for Serving Others
Earning money has nothing to do with age, formal education, gender or geography. It has nothing to do with past experience or your formal years of education or your level of intellect.
There are individuals who are functionally illiterate who have become multimillionaires, while there are others who are absolutely brilliant and they are broke. Virtually anyone can be taught how to earn millions of dollars and yet the sad truth is that 97 out of every 100 people are born, live their entire lives, and die without ever learning how to earn money. To perpetuate this ridiculous problem, their ignorance is passed along from one generation to the next.
Our school system has been designed as an environment to enlighten young minds, to replace ignorance with understanding and ultimately improve the quality of life. And though our educational system has obviously been successful in many areas, it has woefully neglected one important subject, ''How to Earn Money.''
A lack of understanding in this area is the cause of numerous unwanted and unnecessary problems, since money is the medium of exchange that is used worldwide for other people’s products and services.
The Real Source of Wealth
There has always been a small, select group, approximately 3% of our population, who clearly understand that prosperity consciousness is the primary cause of wealth and their prosperity consciousness, like ignorance, is also passed down from one generation to the next.
Let’s look at ''money.'' What is it?
Money is a reward you receive for the service you render. The more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Thinking of ways we can be of greater service will not only help us earn more money, it will also enable us to grow intellectually and spiritually.
Money is an Idea
The paper you fold and place in your purse or pocket is not money. It is paper with ink on it. It represents money, but it is not money. Money is an idea. The earning of money has nothing to do with the paper stuff, it has to do with consciousness.
To accumulate wealth, a person must become very comfortable with the idea of money. That may sound strange, however most people are not comfortable with the idea of money, which is why they do not have any. The cause of poverty is poverty consciousness. A poverty consciousness will cause a person to see, hear, think and feel ... lack and limitation.
The late Mike Todd said, ''Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a mental state.''
He was correct. There are wealthy people who lose every cent they have through a series of mistakes in judgment, but that does not make them poor. They will have it all back in a short time because of their prosperity consciousness.
Many years ago, George Bernard Shaw expressed his thoughts on money. People have such strong views on both of these statements, I purposely use them in my seminars to cause the attendees to think.
1. It is the duty of every person to be rich.
2. It is a sin to be poor.
Before you reject these as being ridiculous, let’s analyze them. To fully understand what Shaw was saying, you must have an open mind. There is a law that states everything is moving, absolutely nothing rests. You are either moving ahead in life or going in reverse ... growing or dying ... creating or disintegrating, becoming richer or poorer.
The Most Important Universal Law for Becoming Wealthy
There is another law to which people often refer in many different ways ... Karmic Law ... Sowing and Reaping ... Cause and Effect ... Action, Re-Action. How you refer to this law is of little importance relative to your understanding of how it works.
The thoughts, feelings, and actions that you express in life are seeds that you sow. The conditions, circumstances and things that come into your life are the harvest you reap as a RESULT of the seeds that you sow. For a moment, store this information in the back of your mind while we investigate the deeper understanding of the words SIN and MONEY.
Sin is ... transgression of the law. Violating the law is a sin and, in truth, the price of sin is death. That does not mean your heart will stop beating, but it does mean you will regress. I previously mentioned there is a law that states you will either create or disintegrate, you will grow or die. When you attempt to ''get'' without giving, you are trying to reap the harvest without sowing the seeds, and it will not work.
Now let’s look at ''money.'' What is it? Money is a reward you receive for the service you render; the more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Attempting to ''get'' money without providing service is also a violation of the law.
We Are Here to Serve Each Other
Shaw believed you and I are here to serve one another. Thinking of ways we can be of greater service will enable us to grow intellectually and spiritually. It is our duty to serve and money is a reward we receive for that service. If a person has received their money in an unlawful manner - by law, they must pay the price; you reap what you sow.
In light of the laws that govern our universe, what Shaw said is correct. However, if a person is not consciously thinking, Shaw’s statements would appear very callous, even ridiculous. Personally, I believe Shaw made those statements the way he did, to provoke people to think.
Quite simply, what Shaw was emphasizing was the importance of our own responsibility in the quest for abundance. Abundance is something we magnetize ourselves to ... we draw it into our lives ... in every aspect our lives. Business associates, friends, everything we want will come into our life by law, not luck. You are either attracting or repelling good. It is your own consciousness that ultimately determines your results.
''Money is in consciousness and it must be earned.'' If you want to improve your financial position in life, focus your attention on creating a higher level of prosperity consciousness. Begin by preparing a powerful, positive affirmation and fuel it with emotion. When you do this, you are depositing this creative energy in the treasury of your subconscious mind. And, by repeating this process over and over and over again every day, it will begin to alter your conditioning and mentally move you in the direction you want to go. Write it out, read it, feel it, and let it take hold of your mind.
How much money do you want? Saying you want more is not good enough. Five dollars is more. How much more? Decide on a figure. Be specific. You will not seriously want more money than you are capable of earning ... however, you would be wise to remember, you must earn it.
There are Three Income Earning Stategies
Trading time for money – By far the worst of the three income earning strategies, it is employed by approximately 96% of our population – doctors, lawyers, accountants, laborers, etc. There is an inherent problem with this strategy – saturation. You run out of time. If a person accumulates any degree of wealth employing this strategy, it will be at the expense of a life. They compromise on the car they drive, the house they live in, the clothes they choose and the vacations they take. They rarely, if ever, get what they want.
Investing money to earn money – This strategy is used by approximately 3% of the population. The number is small for the obvious reason – very few people have any money to invest. Many people who effectively employ this strategy follow the advice of a trusted, knowledgeable advisor.
Leveraging yourself to earn money – This is where you multiply your time through the efforts of others by setting up Multiple Sources of Income (MSIs). This is, without question, the very best way to increase your income. Make a decision to have many sources of income; it’s the strategy that wealthy people have used dating clear back to the ancient Babylonians. Unfortunately, this strategy is only used by approximately 1% of our population, yet that 1% earns approximately 96% of all the money that is earned! You are only a decision away from membership.
Once you determine how much money you want to earn, write it down on a sheet of paper in large figures. Look at the number with the dollar sign beside it and tell yourself over and over again:
Take the total figure and divide it into multiple parts. Let each part represent a source of income. Each source of income represents a separate reward that you would receive for a service you would render. Work on one source of income at a time; each one can become an exciting part of your life.
Think of how you can do whatever you do – more effectively.
Think of how you can improve the quality and quantity of service you render.
Think of how you can help people in a greater way.
Money is a servant; the more you earn, the more you can help others.
10 October 2006
How to Create Exactly What You Want
Take a trip to any jail or prison and you will meet hundreds of people who will tell you they are the "victims" of their circumstances.
Travel through any big city ghetto and you'll hear the same thing.
Visit any affluent, high-class neighborhood, talk to the people there and you'll discover the same thing.
Visit a middle-class neighborhood in New York, Toronto, London or Sydney and you will meet people who believe they are the result of their circumstances, good or bad.
They will talk about the opportunities they were given, or the chances they were denied. They may be grateful for the education they were exposed to, or complain they were denied the education they deserve.
One person will tell you about her wonderful childhood and upbringing was, while another will complain that she came from a "dysfunctional" family.
There is no denying that income, status, education, upbringing, neighborhood, family and many other situations will influence, effect and even determine the outcome of our lives.
But who creates the circumstances?
Your parents? Your environment? God? Destiny? Lost in all this analysis and the assumption of almost every unconscious person I have ever met is this one very important reality.
The effect of our thoughts ABOUT our circumstances.
We cannot change what happened to us, but we can change our PERCEPTION about what happened to us. This is the key to changing our present circumstances and our future.
Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate.
If you don't plant specific seeds, then the animals, wind and other elements will cause RANDOM things to grow which will likely to choke out the things you want to cultivate from your garden.
Just as a gardener must tend his or her garden, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity.
If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the gardener of your soul. You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstances--but the creator of them.
The reason is simple: Whatever you give your attention to and focus on shapes your character, creates your circumstances, and determines your ultimate destiny.
~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Please read that again ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~
What you experience in your life is directly connected to your inner state of mind. The most important thing you can learn about success, prosperity and happiness is that cause (thought) and effect (results or experiences) are one.
But face this important fact - You don't simply end up in jail or the hospital, bankrupt, or alone no more than you simply wake up rich, successful, happy, and healthy. All these CIRCUMSTANCES are the RESULT of thousands of little decisions, which are reached as a result of the thoughts you give your attention to.
Now, if you are like most people, this is the part where you start to mentally make excuses and argue with me.
Perhaps you believe that what I just said is true for other people, but you are quite certain that you have been the victim of extenuating circumstances beyond your control.
I know. I know. YOUR situation is different.
So just how does that work? Let's talk about how all this applies to you.
First, you must accept that on one level or another, you have manifested everything that is happening in your life. Even the horrific, nasty stuff.
I agree that you don't do it consciously. But you do it. Now here's the thing . . .
You are surrounded by a data-sphere of information that promotes negativity, fear, anxiety, limitation, and lack. It pummels your senses from all directions. It comes from your TV, radio, the Internet, your friends, family, church and the people you work with.
Most people are so saturated by negative programming that they can't even conceive a life of anything but struggle and complaint.
What you read, what you listen to, and the people you talk with have a huge effect on the person you are and the thoughts you have. It not only comes from the media and other individuals but from the government.
The doom, gloom and negativity that is perpetuated by the government is designed to appeal to the programmed fear of the masses in order to get re-elected. We elect and re-elect these people to *save and protect us* from the pending doom and gloom.
If that wasn't enough, consider that the microcosm of our mass culture can be found in entertainment and even sports personalities. Most of these people are insecure, self-centered and only interested in their own 15 minutes of fame.
However, they are not the problem. We are, because we are willing to spend countless hours and pay billions of dollars to watch them, mimic their lifestyles and even their manner of dress.
You must recognize that this data-sphere is continually programming you 24/7, and that almost 95% of it is fear, lack and limitation programming.
So what do you do? If you want to reach the highest levels of success, you have to zealously guard the input you allow to come into your life. You must control your own programming, and reject the poisonous stuff most people are trying to feed you.
In order to focus on success, it is imperative that you spend more time on your own personal growth. Each morning and each evening before you go to bed, spend time on focusing on something positive.
Remember: You are the foundation from which all your dreams are made reality. This is the only way you can guarantee your success, wealth and happiness...
21 September 2006
The Mind Thinks In Pictures
Involve your audience, by getting them visualizing. If they have a problem you can solve, they need to see themselvesfeeling the pain, and applying your solution.
Here's a formula to do just that.
Describe a current action that you're prospect would rather not be doing, followed by an alternative action that is the result of you're solution. For example, if you repair roofs for a living.
One of the keys to creating mental imagery is to use action words. In the above example wondering, worrying, seeping, ruining, rotting, getting your hands on, ask, spot, watch out for, getting, and relax, are all verbs that spark images. The adjectives, easy to understand, so called, slime ball, fair, and reputable, also aid in creating the visualization.
Type your summary here
Now you would think that with the reputation the home repair industry has that somebody would have an ad just like this one in the yellow pages. I had a look in mine, and there's not one. Just a bunch of me too, we are the best, get your name out there, fluff.
What does that tell you? Could you apply something like this to your own business? It's a simple, repeatable, crush the competition formula that can be applied to almost anything. Just cut and paste.
Analogy is another powerful tool for creating mental images. If you are trying to get your point across, so your prospect can understand how she will benefit, and be in a position to take action, relate the benefits of your product to something that's already familiar.
One of my favorites is the Shampoo commercial where the girl is moaning in the shower, while she washes her hair. That's how good it feels to wash your hair with that stuff.
Use action words, adjectives, analogy, and story telling to get your point across, and watch your business grow!
Now some of you might be thinking, this wont work for me, I sell high-ticket items to sophisticated corporate buyers. They wont relate to this stuff.
I can tell you categorically that these principles are universal. All you need to do to apply them in literally any situation is flavor them appropriately. They actually work even better in stuffy corporate environments, because the run of the mill marketing used in those situations is so painfully dry, boring, and frankly downright awful.
My associate, Perry Marshall has written an excellent tutorial that tells you just how to do it, and get more leads, response, and credibility than you could ever hope to with traditional techniques.
11 September 2006
Achieve Wonders By Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming occurs when a person is sleeping and becomes aware of the fact that they are dreaming.
Tibetan Buddhists have used lucid dreaming to perform dream yoga, where they achieve a meditative state in their sleep.By reaching the lucid dreaming state, college students, who typically have problems sleeping, have the power to improve their sleep, said Dusana Rybarova, the director of the Dharmakirti College Research Institute, a nonprofit organization that supports interaction between scientists and Buddhist scholars.
"You can bring your sleep under control through your own will, practice and meditation," said Rybarova, a UA psychology graduate student.
For example, through lucid dreaming, a person can turn a nightmare into a transcendental, peaceful state by taking control of the situation with a positive attitude, said lucid dreams researcher Stephen LaBerge.
LaBerge has researched lucid dreams at Stanford University, proving scientifically that people have lucid dreams while sleeping.LaBerge gave a lecture last night in the Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center, explaining lucid dreaming and its applications.
Lucid dreams can be used for creative play, rehearsal for living, problem solving, healing and dream yoga, LaBerge said in his lecture.In this sense, lucid dreaming is useful for students who are eager to experiment because it allows them to explore reality in a simulated way, LaBerge said.
"College students want to experiment with everything," he said. "(Dreams are) the place to experiment."
College students could also use this experimentation to help them overcome fears, anxiety or shyness, characteristics many students have when first coming to college, LaBerge said.
A dream yoga master who came to the UA last year said there is the possibility that students can learn or memorize things in their dreams, though no research has been done on this issue, Rybarova said.
LaBerge emphasized that lucid dreaming is a highly learnable skill.
"If you really want to do this, you can," he said.
Lucid dreaming can be achieved through new technologies and taking herbal substances such as those used to treat Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases, LaBerge said.
But ultimately, lucid dreaming will only be obtained if the person has the right mindset, LaBerge said.
It took LaBerge about three years to learn the skill of having lucid dreams at his own will.
He now teaches others techniques to develop that ability to have lucid dreams.
The Dharmakirti College also plans to offer a class on lucid dreaming in the future, Rybarova said.
Tom Prinster, a retired member of the Tucson community, said he sometimes has lucid dreams, but attended the lecture to learn more about it.
"Lucid dreams enhance my consciousness and awareness," Prinster said. "It answers the question, 'Is this it?' No, there's more."
Prinster said he would encourage anyone to learn the skill of lucid dreaming and that it would benefit society."I think the world is at peril of not knowing how to advance the consciousness of the average individual," Prinster said.
04 September 2006
How To Get In Touch With Future
Here's how to get in touch with every talent, every ability you ever wanted for yourself, even if you're convinced you don't have a shred of ability in that area.
Physicists and mystics agree that all of time co-exists simultaneously. The way we experience time, with one moment following another moment after another moment, is (they say) an illusion. In reality, all moments of time are hanging around together, and our consciousness is threading its way through and among those moments of time.
(Just stay with me for a bit longer, and we'll be past all this theoretical stuff.)
They also say that there are an infinite number of variations of each possible moment. That's what they call "parallel universes" in the science fiction movies.
As it turns out, those parallel universes are not actually science fiction after all. They're really there-the physicists say so. We just can't usually see them.
But there is one way to perceive them. It's your intuition (or imagination).
You can actually tune your mind in to a talent you don't have, but would love to, and you can attract it to you. There is "another you" in that alternate "now" that has all the talent you wanted but didn't get.
So how do you benefit from this "other you"? How do you siphon off the abilities from the "talent gas-tank" of that other you, and get it into your mind?
The short answer is, you don't.
You don't try to take anything away from anybody. Instead, you reach out with your intuition and imagination and offer to combine your talents with those of that other you. You suggest a win-win merger that benefits you both.
Then you start training those new talents, and -- surprise -- those very talents appear from out of "nowhere" (but you'll know where).
It's simple to do a bit of "day-dreaming" and talk to other versions of yourself. How do you reach them? Just imagine it. You're always talking to that policeman or judge or parent in your head. So why not your other selves in other possible universes? Just imagine them. Talk to them. Offer to do a joint venture -- share some of what you know for some of what they can do.
And then, once you've made an agreement, just accept what comes. And enjoy it.
29 August 2006
How to Use the Simple Magic of Mantras to Command your Superconscious Mind
Author of "Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of Youth"
"There is a slight difference between the words mantra and mantram. Both are taken from a Sanskrit word meaning instrument of thought. The difference is this: a mantram is a vocalized instrument of thought, while a mantra is silent."
Whether you realize it or not, you create and shape your life with your thoughts. All things that become part of your physical reality are first created in the mind from the raw material called thought. Because it is an instrument of thought, a mantram is a tool which you can use to help shape your life as you wish it to be.
Now, in order to use mantrams to your advantage, you need to first understand the mind and how it works. Nowadays, the term subconscious mind is one that's frequently heard but seldom understood. Instead of subconsciousness, the lamas use a word that could be translated as superconsciousness -- consciousness of a higher order. The job of the superconscious mind is to take thought, which is pure energy, and give it physical shape in the material world.
Whole books could be written on the subject, but just now the important thing for you to remember is this: your superconscious mind is a willing and eager servant whom you command by way of your thought patterns. When you think a thought, you issue a command. Your servant obeys by manifesting the thought in the physical world where it becomes the things and events in your life. Thus, physical reality is a mirror of your thought patterns. Change your thought patterns, and you change the reflection in the mirror. In other words, you change your life.
This concept, as simple as it is, is a stumbling block for many people. They point to some unhappy or even tragic event in their lives and refuse to believe that they could have created it with their own thoughts.
But if you examine your thoughts closely, you're likely to discover negative patterns competing with positive ones. In one breath you'll say, "I want to achieve happiness." But in the next breath you'll give yourself a thousand and one reasons to be unhappy: your job is stressful; the weather is unpleasant; bills are piling up; you're overweight; the neighbors are noisy; you are late for an appointment; and on and on. So while your stated goal is happiness, your thoughts are working overtime to create just the opposite.
A Very Simple Exercise to Unify Your Mind
There's a very simple mental exercise that can help you accomplish this. It takes only a few minutes, so I suggest that you repeat it every month of so. Sit down and make a written list of the things you desire most. Don't reason as to what you ought to want. Instead, jot down your desires quickly, including everything that comes to mind.
Now examine your list carefully and ask yourself what rewards each of your stated desires must bring you. The rewards are what you're really after, so write them down also. For example, if you wrote, "I desire a better job," what you really want are the rewards of a better job. Maybe you want the fulfillment that comes from putting to good use special talents and training you have. Perhaps you want a bigger paycheck and the feeling of security that comes with that. Or maybe you want the pleasure of working in a friendly, relaxed environment.
The rewards you want should always be expressed in terms of feelings. Feelings, both bitter and sweet, are the fruits of your lifetime experience. They are the prize. When you depart this world,you leave behind your material treasures. But your feelings remain with you always. So choose with care those which you wish to have as lasting companions.
Now review your list of desires and the rewards you wish to achieve. Read it top to bottom, and as you do, search for just two or three words or phrases to summarize everything. This may seem impossible at first. But once you look closely, you'll see groups of seemingly different desires and rewards all aimed to a common goal. Separate your desires into two or three such groups and find a word or phrase to capsulize each one. To use a simple example, if you desire a better house, an expensive automobile, and a new wardrobe, the fundamental goal behind all three is abundance or prosperity.
Create a Short, Simple Command For Your Superconscious
By now you should have a clear picture of your fundamental goals, so put them all together and state them in a brief command. Make the command positive, short, and to the point. For example, "I demand happiness, power, and prosperity right now." And there you have it. When your command is spoken aloud, it becomes a mantram, or plainly stated, a device you can use to stimulate your superconscious mind into action."
The word power is a good one, because it will help bring about health, strength, and vitality in your physical body. And on a mental level, it will empower you to become master of your own destiny. "Right now" at the end of your command tells your superconscious mind when you want things to happen: NOW. It tells your superconscious mind to get busy immediately manifesting your desires
How to Use Your Mantram
Now that you have a mantram, putting it to use is as simple as can be. All you need to do is speak it aloud with conviction. Don't be timid. Feel the power of your voice and speak as if you are commanding a magic genie who will bring you whatever you desire. Once you have spoken your mantram aloud with unwavering conviction and resolve, you've done all that's needed.
Speak your mantram just before going to sleep at night and upon waking in the morning. Then form the habit of repeating it at regular intervals throughout the day. If you find yourself in front of a mirror, gaze directly into the reflection of your own eyes and repeat your mantram with firm confidence.
Then, as you go about your daily life, pay close attention to all the things you think and say. Be alert for negative thoughts or words that will send conflicting commands to your superconscious mind. They will undo the positive force of your mantram, so when you detect them, stop, take a deep breath, and cancel the negative thoughts or words by speaking your mantram with steadfast resolve.
Of course, if you are in the presence of other people, you can't all of a sudden blurt out, "I desire happiness, power, and prosperity right now!" In such a case, I would suggest that you use a mantra. All that's needed is to repeat your mantra inwardly and contemplate the meaning of the words. Since it isn't reinforced by the power of the voice, a mantra isn't quite as effective as a spoken Mantram, but it will get splendid results nevertheless.
Focus on the End Result
Whether you're using a mantram or a mantra, an important thing to remember is this: when you command the superconscious mind, you must focus only on the end result which you desire. Never try to dictate how superconsciousness will accomplish its miracles.
The superconscious mind is far more clever and resourceful than you can possibly imagine. If it is headed off in one direction, it is not discouraged and does not give up, for it knows that there are ten thousand other ways to achieve a desired goal. If, through your own thoughts and preconceptions, you try to tell the superconscious mind how to do its work, you will only limit its options and restrict the magic which can unfold.
The superconscious realm of your mind is a magnificent thing. It takes great delight in working to accomplish literally anything you desire. Desire is a very strong force, and when you use it to stimulate the superconscious mind into action, it will be thrilled to bring you your heart's desire in ways you never dreamed possible.
Another thing you should know is this: the superconscious realm of the mind does not judge your thoughts before it responds to them. It does not differentiate between pain or pleasure, sorrow or happiness, grief or joy. A better way to state it is, no feelings or emotions are pleasant or unpleasant to the superconscious mind. Its job is to transform thought patterns into matter -- all thought patterns. And it couldn't possibly do the job it is meant to do if it were to first judge your thoughts good or bad, happy or unhappy, worthy or unworthy.
In short, the wonderfully simple secret which can help everybody achieve whatever they desire is this: change your thought patterns, and you change your life. If you think thrilling thoughts, the superconscious mind will flood your life with thrilling things, instead of the miserable things in life
21 August 2006
Six Ways of Thinking Rich
Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong, true or false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact is, you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.
"Poor people believe "Life happens to me."If you want to create wealth, it is imperative that you believe that you are at the steering wheel of your life; that you create every moment of your life, especially your financial life. If you don't believe this, then you must believe you have little control over your life and that financial success has nothing to do with you. That is not a very rich attitude.Instead of taking responsibility for what's going on in their lives, poor people choose to play the role of victim. Of course, any "victim's" predominant thought process is "poor me." And presto, through the law of intention that's literally what they get; "poor," as in money, me.Here's some home work I promise will change your life. For the next seven days, I challenge you not to complain at all. Not just out loud, but in your head too. I've given this little challenge to thousands of people and several hundred have personally told me that this exercise completely transformed their lives. I invite you to email me with the results of this experiment. I guarantee you'll be astonished as to how amazing your life will become when you stop focusing on the "crap."It's time to decide. You can be a victim OR you can be rich, but you can't be both. It's time to take back your power and acknowledge the fact that you create every moment of your life. That you create everything that is in your life and everything that is not in it. That you create your wealth and you create your non-wealth and everything in between.
Poor people play the money game not to lose.Poor people play the money game on defense rather than offense. Let me ask you, if you were to play any sport or any game strictly on defense, what are the chances of you winning that game? Most people agree; slim and none.
Yet, that's exactly how most people play the money game. Their primary concern is survival and security, not wealth and abundance. So, what is your goal? What is your real objective? What is your true intention?Rich people's big goal is to have massive wealth and abundance. Poor people's big goal is to have "enough to pay the bills..." on time would be a miracle! Again, let me remind you of the power of intention. When your objective is to have enough to pay the bills, that's exactly how much you'll get; just enough to pay the bills and usually not a cent more. You get what you truly intend to get. If you want to get rich, your goal has to be "rich." Not just enough to pay the bills and not just enough to be comfortable. Rich, darn it, rich!
Poor people are uncommitted to being rich.Most of us have good reasons as to why it would be wonderful to be rich, but what about the other side of the coin? Are there reasons why it might not be so great to be rich or go through the process of trying to get rich?Each of us has a file on wealth in our mind. This file contains our personal beliefs that include why being wealthy would be great. But for many people, their file also includes information as to why being rich might not be so great. These people have mixed internal messages around money and especially wealth.One part of them says, "Having more money will make life a lot more fun." But then another part screams, "Yeah, but "I'm going to have to work like a dog! What kind of fun is that?" One part says, "I'll be able to travel the world." then the other part responds, "Yeah, and everyone in the world will want something from me." These mixed messages are one of the biggest reasons that most people never become rich.In fact, the #1 reason most people don't get what they want is they don't know what they want. Rich people are totally clear they want wealth. They are unwavering in their desire. They are fully committed to creating wealth. They will do "whatever it takes" to have wealth as long as it's moral, legal and ethical. Rich people do not send mixed messages to the universe. Poor people do.I hate to break the news to you, but getting rich is not a "stroll in the park." It's takes focus, expertise, 100% effort, and "never say die" perseverance. You have to really commit to it, both consciously and subconsciously. You have to believe in your heart you can do it and you deserve it. If you are not fully committed to creating wealth, chances are you won't.
Poor people think small.We once had a trainer teaching at one of our seminars who went from a net worth of $250 thousand to over $600 million in only 3 years. When asked his secret he said, "Everything changed the day I began to think big." In my book, SpeedWealth, I discuss the "Law of Income" which states that "you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the market place."Another way of understanding this is to answer the following question: How many people do you actually serve or affect?For instance in my business, some trainers enjoy speaking to groups of 20, others are comfortable with 100, others like an audience of 500, still others want 5000 people or more in attendance. Is there is a difference in income between these trainers? You bet there is.Who are you? How do you want to live your life? How do you want to play the game?Do you want to play in the big leagues or in little league, in the majors or the minors?Will you play big or play small? It's your choice.But hear this. It's not about you. It's about living your mission. It's about living true to your purpose. It's about adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. It's about serving others.Most of us are so stuck in our egos that everything revolves around "me, me and more me." But again, it's not about you, it's about adding value to other people's lives. It's your choice. One road leads to being broke and miserable, the other leads to money, meaning, and fulfillment.It's time to stop hiding out and start stepping out. It's time to stop needing and start leading. It's time to start being the star that you are. It's time to share your gifts and value in a BIG way. There could be thousands or even millions of people counting on you. Are you up to the challenge for our society and our children's sake? Let's hope so.
Poor people are smaller than their problems.Getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It's a journey that is full of obstacles, twists, and detours. The simple fact is, success is messy. The road is fraught with pitfalls and that's why most people don't take it. They don't want the hassles, the headaches and the responsibilities. In short, they don't want the problems.Therein lies one of the biggest differences between rich people and poor people. Rich and successful people are bigger than their problems while poor and unsuccessful people are smaller than their problems.Poor people will do almost anything to avoid anything that looks like it could be a problem. They back away from challenges. The irony is that in their quest to make sure they don't have problems, they have the biggest problem of all... they're broke and miserable.
The secret to success is not to try to avoid or shrink your problems; it's to grow yourself so you're bigger than any problem.Imagine a "level 2" character person looking at a "level 5" problem. Would this problem appear to be big or small? The answer is that from a "level 2" perspective, a "level 5" problem would seem BIG.Now imagine a "level 8" person looking at the same "level 5" problem. From this person's perspective, is this problem big or small? Magically the identical problem is now a SMALL problem.And for a "level 10" person, it's NO problem at all. It's just an everyday occurrence, like getting dressed or brushing your teeth. Whether you are rich or poor, playing big or playing small, problems do not go away. If you're breathing, you will always have so-called "problems." What's important to realize is that the size of the problem is never the real issue. What matters is the size of you!Remember, your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! The idea is to grow yourself to a place where you can overcome any problems that get in your way of creating wealth and keeping it once you have it.Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems and do not complain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors and when a warrior is confronted with a challenge they shout: BRING IT ON!
Poor people focus on problems.Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.Rich people focus on the rewards. Poor people focus on the risks.It's the age-old question, is the glass half empty or half full? We're not merely talking about "positive thinking" here, we're talking about a habitual way of seeing the world. Poor people come from fear. Their minds are constantly scanning for what's wrong or what could go wrong in any situation. Their primary mindset is "What if it doesn't work?" or, more bluntly, "It won't work." Rich people, as we discussed earlier, take responsibility for creating their life and come from the mindset, "It will work because I'll make it work."In the financial world, as in most other arenas, risk is directly proportionate to reward; generally, the higher the reward, the higher the risk. People with rich mentalities are willing to take that risk.Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities, they have confidence in their creativity and they believe that should the "doo-doo hit the fan", they can always make their money back or succeed in another way.On the other hand, poor people expect to fail. They lack confidence in themselves and in their abilities, and should things not work out, they believe it would be catastrophic.
You have to do something, buy something, or start something in order to succeed financially. You have to see opportunities for profit all around you instead of focusing on ways of losing money.
Six Ways of Thinking "Rich" By T. Harv Eker
Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong, true or false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact is, you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.
1. RICH PEOPLE BELIEVE "I CREATE MY LIFE."Poor people believe "Life happens to me."If you want to create wealth, it is imperative that you believe that you are at the steering wheel of your life; that you create every moment of your life, especially your financial life. If you don't believe this, then you must believe you have little control over your life and that financial success has nothing to do with you. That is not a very rich attitude.Instead of taking responsibility for what's going on in their lives, poor people choose to play the role of victim. Of course, any "victim's" predominant thought process is "poor me." And presto, through the law of intention that's literally what they get; "poor," as in money, me.Here's some homework I promise will change your life. For the next seven days, I challenge you not to complain at all. Not just out loud, but in your head too. I've given this little challenge to thousands of people and several hundred have personally told me that this exercise completely transformed their lives. I invite you to email me with the results of this experiment. I guarantee you'll be astonished as to how amazing your life will become when you stop focusing on the "crap."It's time to decide. You can be a victim OR you can be rich, but you can't be both. It's time to take back your power and acknowledge the fact that you create every moment of your life. That you create everything that is in your life and everything that is not in it. That you create your wealth and you create your non-wealth and everything in between.2. RICH PEOPLE PLAY THE MONEY GAME TO WINPoor people play the money game not to lose.Poor people play the money game on defense rather than offense. Let me ask you, if you were to play any sport or any game strictly on defense, what are the chances of you winning that game? Most people agree; slim and none.
Yet, that's exactly how most people play the money game. Their primary concern is survival and security, not wealth and abundance. So, what is your goal? What is your real objective? What is your true intention?Rich people's big goal is to have massive wealth and abundance. Poor people's big goal is to have "enough to pay the bills..." on time would be a miracle! Again, let me remind you of the power of intention. When your objective is to have enough to pay the bills, that's exactly how much you'll get; just enough to pay the bills and usually not a cent more. You get what you truly intend to get. If you want to get rich, your goal has to be "rich." Not just enough to pay the bills and not just enough to be comfortable. Rich, darn it, rich!3. RICH PEOPLE ARE COMMITTED TO BEING RICHPoor people are uncommitted to being rich.Most of us have good reasons as to why it would be wonderful to be rich, but what about the other side of the coin? Are there reasons why it might not be so great to be rich or go through the process of trying to get rich?Each of us has a file on wealth in our mind. This file contains our personal beliefs that include why being wealthy would be great. But for many people, their file also includes information as to why being rich might not be so great. These people have mixed internal messages around money and especially wealth.One part of them says, "Having more money will make life a lot more fun." But then another part screams, "Yeah, but "I'm going to have to work like a dog! What kind of fun is that?" One part says, "I'll be able to travel the world." then the other part responds, "Yeah, and everyone in the world will want something from me." These mixed messages are one of the biggest reasons that most people never become rich.In fact, the #1 reason most people don't get what they want is they don't know what they want. Rich people are totally clear they want wealth. They are unwavering in their desire. They are fully committed to creating wealth. They will do "whatever it takes" to have wealth as long as it's moral, legal and ethical. Rich people do not send mixed messages to the universe. Poor people do.I hate to break the news to you, but getting rich is not a "stroll in the park." It's takes focus, expertise, 100% effort, and "never say die" perseverance. You have to really commit to it, both consciously and subconsciously. You have to believe in your heart you can do it and you deserve it. If you are not fully committed to creating wealth, chances are you won't.4. RICH PEOPLE THINK BIGPoor people think small.We once had a trainer teaching at one of our seminars who went from a net worth of $250 thousand to over $600 million in only 3 years. When asked his secret he said, "Everything changed the day I began to think big." In my book, SpeedWealth, I discuss the "Law of Income" which states that "you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the market place."Another way of understanding this is to answer the following question: How many people do you actually serve or affect?For instance in my business, some trainers enjoy speaking to groups of 20, others are comfortable with 100, others like an audience of 500, still others want 5000 people or more in attendance. Is there is a difference in income between these trainers? You bet there is.Who are you? How do you want to live your life? How do you want to play the game?Do you want to play in the big leagues or in little league, in the majors or the minors?Will you play big or play small? It's your choice.But hear this. It's not about you. It's about living your mission. It's about living true to your purpose. It's about adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. It's about serving others.Most of us are so stuck in our egos that everything revolves around "me, me and more me." But again, it's not about you, it's about adding value to other people's lives. It's your choice. One road leads to being broke and miserable, the other leads to money, meaning, and fulfillment.It's time to stop hiding out and start stepping out. It's time to stop needing and start leading. It's time to start being the star that you are. It's time to share your gifts and value in a BIG way. There could be thousands or even millions of people counting on you. Are you up to the challenge for our society and our children's sake? Let's hope so.5. RICH PEOPLE ARE BIGGER THAN THEIR PROBLEMSPoor people are smaller than their problems.Getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It's a journey that is full of obstacles, twists, and detours. The simple fact is, success is messy. The road is fraught with pitfalls and that's why most people don't take it. They don't want the hassles, the headaches and the responsibilities. In short, they don't want the problems.Therein lies one of the biggest differences between rich people and poor people. Rich and successful people are bigger than their problems while poor and unsuccessful people are smaller than their problems.Poor people will do almost anything to avoid anything that looks like it could be a problem. They back away from challenges. The irony is that in their quest to make sure they don't have problems, they have the biggest problem of all... they're broke and miserable.
The secret to success is not to try to avoid or shrink your problems; it's to grow yourself so you're bigger than any problem.Imagine a "level 2" character person looking at a "level 5" problem. Would this problem appear to be big or small? The answer is that from a "level 2" perspective, a "level 5" problem would seem BIG.Now imagine a "level 8" person looking at the same "level 5" problem. From this person's perspective, is this problem big or small? Magically the identical problem is now a SMALL problem.And for a "level 10" person, it's NO problem at all. It's just an everyday occurrence, like getting dressed or brushing your teeth. Whether you are rich or poor, playing big or playing small, problems do not go away. If you're breathing, you will always have so-called "problems." What's important to realize is that the size of the problem is never the real issue. What matters is the size of you!Remember, your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! The idea is to grow yourself to a place where you can overcome any problems that get in your way of creating wealth and keeping it once you have it.Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems and do not complain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors and when a warrior is confronted with a challenge they shout: BRING IT ON!6. RICH PEOPLE FOCUS ON OPPORTUNITIESPoor people focus on problems.Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.Rich people focus on the rewards. Poor people focus on the risks.It's the age-old question, is the glass half empty or half full? We're not merely talking about "positive thinking" here, we're talking about a habitual way of seeing the world. Poor people come from fear. Their minds are constantly scanning for what's wrong or what could go wrong in any situation. Their primary mindset is "What if it doesn't work?" or, more bluntly, "It won't work." Rich people, as we discussed earlier, take responsibility for creating their life and come from the mindset, "It will work because I'll make it work."In the financial world, as in most other arenas, risk is directly proportionate to reward; generally, the higher the reward, the higher the risk. People with rich mentalities are willing to take that risk.Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities, they have confidence in their creativity and they believe that should the "doo-doo hit the fan", they can always make their money back or succeed in another way.On the other hand, poor people expect to fail. They lack confidence in themselves and in their abilities, and should things not work out, they believe it would be catastrophic.
You have to do something, buy something, or start something in order to succeed financially. You have to see opportunities for profit all around you instead of focusing on ways of losing money.
07 August 2006
How-To-Hypnotize Anyone - Part 3 / Using Magic Words
This is how you can determine which representational systemthey think most in:
***VISUAL***Look, focus, examine, see, clarify, reveal, illustrate.
**AUDITORY***Say, discuss, remark, speechless, clear, silence, shout.
***KINESTHETIC***Touch, contact, handle, push, hold, scrape, gentle.
***SMELL/OLFACTORY***Scented, stale, fishy, fresh, putrid, smoky, nose.
***TOUCH/GUSTATORY***Sour, bitter, sweet, salty, taste, juicy, flavor.
31 July 2006
How-To-Hypnotize Anyone-Part 2 / Voice Effectively
19 July 2006
Train Your Mind To Have OBE (Out Of Body Exprience)
OBE is the short form of Out Of Body Exprience. Its a kind of phase where you will feel like you are out of your body and you have no limitations and no boundaries. Can go anywhere in no time.
OBE is a kind of phase where anybodys mind feels like they are completely out of the body to the world which doesn't know the meaning of the word LIMIT
Step 1:
Very first thing we need to is "relax". The right time to do the relaxation excersice is just before you sleep. There are no specific method for this.
You can just lay down and close your eyes and think nothing and start breathing slowly and we need to concentrate on our breaths. You have to take deep breath and breathe in and breathe out. Practice this for 10-15 minutes.
Step two:
Enter the state bordering sleep. This is known as the hypnagogic state. Once again, Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice, you can learn to control the Hypnagogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the Hypnagogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.
Practice these 2 above steps for couple of days and then sleep normally.
Step Four:
1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin.
2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but do not shut out all light.
3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head pointed toward magnetic north.
4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer than might normally be comfortable.
5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there will be absolutely no noise to disturb you.
6. Enter a state of relaxation
7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember allthat occurs during the upcoming session that will be beneficial to yourwell-being. Repeat this five times.
8. Proceed to breath through your half-open mouth.
9. As you breath, concentrate on the void in front of you.
10. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six feet.
11. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary lineparallel to your body axis up and above your head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body.
Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you will know when you have achieved contact with them.
Step five:
Step six:
Step seven:
Keep checking my blogspace next week for remaining steps and I will post it soon.
18 July 2006
How-to-Hypnotize - Anyone - Part 1
Many people think of hypnosis as "Watch my pendulum from side to side... you're getting sleepy......" To be frank this is only one form of hypnosis.Do you know the fact that your being hypnotized with out your knowledge and you don’t even know that you are being hypnotized !!!!
Would you like to know how they do it?
Would you like to do it to others? If you think that it takes a Sofa or a chair, a half an hour session, and lots of scripts... Then you are WRONG!It's as simple as constructing your language so that you can put one command with in the sentence and then another.You have to PUSH THE RIGHT BUTTONS to command unconscious response in your listener which gives you the ability to get anyone to do as you please.
I will rephrase it for you:
It is an art of using a sentence in a way that will break someone's resistance down. Once they let their guarddown, then stepping inside their head and commanding them to take any action you want them to.Better still, most people today are lazy. They do not want to solve their own problems or think for themselves. This makes it easy for you to make a person do as you wishbecause they are looking for a person like you to come alongand tell them what to do...THEY ARE USED TO FOLLOWING SOMEONE ELSE'S WAY OF THINKING!
Keep watching my blogspot for more weekly updates
Behave Like A Rich Person
The basic truth is that you must behave as your are already a rich person. So behave as if you already have the money. Ask yourself, if I was already rich, what would I do, how would I behave, how would I feel, and then do, behave, and feel in those ways.
Of course, you don't need to change your job and move to a different job or do extra work. But you start small and with each success you build your way to greater and greater wealth. Eat a little bit better, dress a little bit nicer, go on slightly higher-end vacations, take a taxi instead of the bus now and then, take that course you think you can’t afford, or do anything at all that you wish to do but believe you can’t because of a lack of money.
And when you do these things, enjoy yourself and this state will be reflected in your outer world. You’ll be amazed at how life provides for the things which bring you joy.
Home Work:
Next time if you are about to buy anything buy an item that is bit higher quality and the higher price that you would normally pay.
It’s a small step to teach your mind that you are increasing or expanding your limitation and begin practicing this .
Keep Watching my blogspot for more weekly updates and change your mind and life style
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