Know that people won't forget you. Your energy will continue where you've been, and will never disappear. Even though people are constantly fading, the memories they leave behind aren't, and they are staying in the hearts of those they loved. Don't feel like as soon as you die, you'll disappear into oblivion, and that no one will ever notice you're gone.
Talk to someone. Find someone you trust, and tell them about your fear. Explain to them why you think you feel this way, and how long you've felt like this. Make sure it's someone you trust. It is recommended that you don't see a therapist if the phobia isn't extreme, as they tend to be expensive.
Live life the way you're supposed to. Don't waste your lifetime worrying about death. Instead, fill each day with as much joy as possible, and don't let little things get you down. Go outside, play with friends, or take up a new sport. Just do anything that will take your mind off dying, and put it on living.
Don't worry until you need to. Death is something you shouldn't worry about until maybe your seventies. Death is something to worry about if you have a fatal disease, and the chances of death are high. But don't worry about this when you're ten years old. The average life span is 75 years in most developed countries, and you can still live a lot longer.
Be optimistic. It is shown that optimists are less likely to contract heart disease than pessimists. If you think badly of the future, you are likely to die sooner. So don't worry, and you'll live longer.
Realize that there's hope. No one knows what happens when you die. If there really is a soul in your body, it could even be reborn. Hold on to your hopes, and they could actually come true.
Thanatophobia, or more commonly known as the fear of death, affects millions of people worldwide. Thanatophobia is the fear of death, dead things, or anything associated with death. You can learn how to overcome this fear by reading this article.