Stress contributes to "silent killers" such as high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes and several other fatal illness. It also affects the immune system. Stress When left unmanaged stress can maniifest a wide range of symptoms and affect every part of the body Dealing with work pressures, colleagues, unreasonable boss will set chemical reactions in your brain and body Hypnosis is a successful way to relieve stress.
The power of hypnosis works at a subconscious level. You will learn to visualize your stress and then visualized situation stress free and fell how great it is to live without stress. Hypnosis can help lower blood pressure, manage chronic pain and slow or reverse aging.
This is an amazing process that has worked for so many people Practicing hypnosis on a regular basis can lead to improved physical and mental health but it takes time to the result.
Many people prefer to learn hypnosis by attending a class or one-on-one instruction, where they can interact with the instructor. If you are too busy and if classes are not an option , hypnosis book, CD, scripts can help you jus as beneficial. Hypnosis CD are a convenient way to engage in meditation on a regular basis. You can listen to them whenever you need to relax an unwind. Hypnosis has so many wonderful benefits such as an improved self-esteem, greater confidence and happier life.
Here is show you how simple you can do hypnosis;
First, decide if you want to use affirmations as part of your self-hypnosis session. Next, find somewhere comfortable and quiet, and sit down. Now, relax your body. A good way of doing this is to close your eyes and imagine waves of relaxation running down your body from your scalp downwards, washing out stress.
The next step is to use suggestion to deepen the state of relaxation. Once you feel completely relaxed, use the affirmations you have prepared. Mix these in with the relaxation suggestions. Typical self-hypnosis sessions can last between 15 and 25 minutes; however, they can last for as long as you like. An alternative to using self- hypnosis is to listen to hypnosis MP3s - the benefit of these is that you can listen to them and relax when you are too tired to want to hypnotize yourself.