11 January 2008

Gratitude Is The Fastest Way To End Anxious Thoughts and Panic Attacks

This is very simple technique but it is really powerful.

Are you ready?

When you practice this technique you will feel a lightness and greater sense of perspective on anything that has been troubling you. This activation of your heart's emotion will lift the heavy fog sensation anxious thought causes within minutes if done correctly.

Begin by closing your eyes and moving your attention to your heart area. Imagine a feeling of warmth emanating from the center of your chest. If appropriate place your right hand there. If you are around
people or driving etc. simply imagine your right hand resting on your heart area. Imagine this area glowing warmly for one to two minutes.

Now, begin to focus on something in your life that you feel a genuine sense of appreciation for. This can be one or more things that you really appreciate having in your life (e.g., family, health, friends,
work, your home, etc.).

It is important to focus on things that spark a real sense of gratitude and appreciation. If you really appreciate the thing you are thinking about you will immediately feel a response from that area by way of a light warm sensation or you might smile involuntary.

You may even be feeling this right now as you think about all the great things you have in your life. It does not really matter what you think about as long as it evokes this feeling of warm appreciation from your heart area. Everyone has something they can greatful for. (Remember, the cemetery is full of people who would love to have your problems!)

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Do not worry if you are thinking of your partner/family and you do not feel this. Some days it will be people close to you that will spark the heart feeling other days it may be just gratitude for the cards
you were dealt playing poker the previous night! It depends on the mood you are in, so remember it is the feeling you after.

The feeling is unmistakable, it is a positive change in your emotional state. It is really best to do this alone because you will want to stay with this feeling for as long as you can.

When you feel you have taken it as far as you can open your eyes. There is no time frame on this, it can a minute to half an hour. Again it is about establishing a heart/mind connection. Incorporate this into your daily routine.

Do it in the car.
Do it sitting at your desk.
Do it before you sleep at night.

Practise it again and again. Just like a muscle your heart will get more accustomed to this state and you will be able to switch into it at a moments notice.

I am writing about this here because I want to share a very simple way for you to feel more grounded and to lift the fog of anxious thoughts you may be experiencing right now.

You can also use this in the middle of any stressful situation and you will be surprised at the outcome in terms of your own stress levels and the change in reaction of others around you.

Try it out, be creative with it and make it your
own daily ritual for yourself.

It is my experience that most people do not have the patience or time to make major lifestyle changes. By using this one technique you can make a dramatic improvement to your life easily.

The simplest things in life are free and this is one of those gems.

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