30 December 2008

Slow Down Aging with Meditation?

Researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found the first evidence that meditation can alter the physical structure of our brains. Brain scans they conducted reveal that experienced meditators boasted increased thickness in parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input.

In one area of gray matter, the thickening turns out to be more pronounced in older than in younger people. That’s intriguing because those sections of the human cortex, or thinking cap, normally get thinner as we age.

"Our data suggest that meditation practice can promote cortical plasticity in adults in areas important for cognitive and emotional processing and well-being," says Sara Lazar, leader of the study and a psychologist at Harvard Medical School. "These findings are consistent with other studies that demonstrated increased thickness of music areas in the brains of musicians, and visual and motor areas in the brains of jugglers. In other words, the structure of an adult brain can change in response to repeated practice."

The researchers compared brain scans of 20 experienced meditators with those of 15 nonmeditators. Four of the former taught meditation or yoga, but they were not monks living in seclusion. The rest worked in careers such as law, health care, and journalism. All the participants were white. During scanning, the meditators meditated; the others just relaxed and thought about whatever they wanted.

Meditators did Buddhist "insight meditation," which focuses on whatever is there, like noise or body sensations. It doesn’t involve "om," other mantras, or chanting.

"The goal is to pay attention to sensory experience, rather than to your thoughts about the sensory experience," Lazar explains. "For example, if you suddenly hear a noise, you just listen to it rather than thinking about it. If your leg falls asleep, you just notice the physical sensations. If nothing is there, you pay attention to your breathing." Successful meditators get used to not thinking or elaborating things in their mind.

Study participants meditated an average of about 40 minutes a day. Some had been doing it for only a year, others for decades. Depth of the meditation was measured by the slowing of breathing rates. Those most deeply involved in the meditation showed the greatest changes in brain structure. "This strongly suggests," Lazar concludes, "that the differences in brain structure were caused by the meditation, rather than that differences in brain thickness got them into meditation in the first place."

Lazar took up meditation about 10 years ago and now practices insight meditation about three times a week. At first she was not sure it would work. But "I have definitely experienced beneficial changes," she says. "It reduces stress [and] increases my clarity of thought and my tolerance for staying focused in difficult situations."

Controlling Random Thoughts

Insight meditation can be practiced anytime, anywhere. "People who do it quickly realize that much of what goes on in their heads involves random thoughts that often have little substance," Lazar comments. "The goal is not so much to ‘empty’ your head, but to not get caught up in random thoughts that pop into consciousness."

She uses this example: Facing an important deadline, people tend to worry about what will happen if they miss it, or if the end product will be good enough to suit the boss. You can drive yourself crazy with unproductive "what if" worry. "If, instead, you focus on the present moment, on what needs to be done and what is happening right now, then much of the feeling of stress goes away," Lazar says. "Feelings become less obstructive and more motivational."

The increased thickness of gray matter is not very much, 4 to 8 thousandths of an inch. "These increases are proportional to the time a person has been meditating during their lives," Lazar notes. "This suggests that the thickness differences are acquired through extensive practice and not simply due to differences between meditators and nonmeditators."

As small as they are, you can bet those differences are going to lead to lots more studies to find out just what is going on and how meditation might better be used to improve health and well-being, and even slow aging.

More basic questions need to be answered. What causes the increased thickness? Does meditation produce more connections between brain cells, or more blood vessels? How does increased brain thickness influence daily behavior? Does it promote increased communication between intellectual and emotional areas of the brain?

To get answers, larger studies are planned at Massachusetts General Hospital, the Harvard-affiliated facility where Lazar is a research scientist and where these first studies were done. That work included only 20 meditators and their brains were scanned only once.

"The results were very encouraging," Lazar remarks. "But further research needs to be done using a larger number of people and testing them multiple times. We also need to examine their brains both before and after learning to meditate. Our group is currently planning to do this. Eventually, such research should reveal more about the function of the thickening; that is, how it affects emotions and knowing in terms of both awareness and judgment."

Slowing aging?

Since this type of meditation counteracts the natural thinning of the thinking surface of the brain, could it play a role in slowing - even reversing - aging? That could really be mind-boggling in the most positive sense.

Lazar is cautious in her answer. "Our data suggest that one small bit of brain appears to have a slower rate of cortical thinning, so meditation may help slow some aspects of cognitive aging," she agrees. "But it’s important to remember that monks and yogis suffer from the same ailments as the rest of us. They get old and die, too. However, they do claim to enjoy an increased capacity for attention and memory."

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26 November 2008

Yes, Its true when it comes to Joe Berry Tricks to end Panic attacks.
I have tried it my self and I can guarantee you that Your Next Panic Attack Would Be The Last Panic Attack, Only if you are ready to take up the course and go through it and believe it. Panic attack is not something which can be cured, however it the right procedures are followed given in the couser.

Fast, Click on the link below to take up the course.

Click here to put an end to Panic/anxiety Attacks

06 November 2008


If the panic attack runs its course this last abut 20 minutes followed by a prolonged period of general anxiety as the person fears that the panic switch might go off again at any moment. When you feel this way it is difficult to return to a relaxed state of mind.

So what can stop the mind overreacting to these situations and not initiate the panic attack. Well most of this is about your mind reacting to false signals, so the trick is to train yourself to recognize these false signals for what they and thus shatter the illusion that there is a danger.

There is something very powerful in human psychology and that is the power of giving yourself totally to something. By that I mean, when we make a resolute decision to go for something results are immediate. In this case you are going for the goal of an anxiety free life.

You reach a point where you are completely fed up with this condition and that mindset can produce a real breakthrough. Remember anxiety holds us prisoner because we give it authority- We give it control because it threatens us with terror/death if we do not obey.

Really chase after the anxiety. It is the anticipation of having a panic attack that keeps you in a general state of anxiety.

There is an element of really throwing all caution to the win d to make this fully effective. You abandon yourself to the fear of a panic attack. Sometimes the best way is to get really mad at the terror and say "OK come on do your worst- and it better be very strong because as I will not have this ruining the rest of my life-

"My life and the people in it are more important than this false fear could ever be, so do your worst!"

The minute you really throw yourself at a panic attack it disappears. It disappears because what was keeping it alive was your fear of having one. Now you are not afraid in fact you are actually demanding to have a really Big Bad one NOW -DO that right now!

TO make this really work- You have to Really throw yourself at the anxiety 100% -No coming back!

This attitude will really give you the confidence you need to move straight through the anxiety and out the other side.

Confidence is so crucial to tackling this problem. Anxiety can be likened to a fog that we need to travel through in order to move beyond the fear of what may be on the other side. When we fail to move towards and through it the fear can linger and limit us from achieving all the things we would like to accomplish

I hope this information has been helpful to you.

Joe Barry

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15 August 2008

Brain Electrodes Tackle Severe Depression

By Abbott Alison / Source: Nature.com

Severely depressed patients who do not respond to conventional therapy may be helped by deep brain stimulation (DBS), according to the most-extensive study to date of the experimental procedure.
In a clinical trial in Toronto, Canada, 12 out of 20 patients who had stimulating electrodes placed in a brain area called the subcallosal cingulated gyrus showed significant improvement in their depression, with seven of them going into full remission.
The benefits lasted at least a year, according to the results published this week in the journal Biological Psychiatry. Patients in the study had failed to respond to cognitive therapy, antidepressant drugs and electroconvulsant therapy.

Lasting effect
The research team published results of DBS on their first six patients in 20052. Four of those patients responded well, and were still showing significant improvement after the trial finished six months later. The new research represents the largest trial on DBS for depression to follow patients for a full year.
“It is a remarkable that so many patients got well and stayed well,” says Helen Mayberg, now at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, who helped to develop the therapy.
“Brain surgery is not like getting your nails done, so it is important to try to find out who will benefit.”
“Some patients had to face personal traumas during this period, such as deaths and bankruptcy, but handled them normally — they had a normal dynamic range of feeling,” says neurosurgeon Andres Lozano, of the University of Toronto, who led the study.
Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, a company based in Piano, Texas, that makes DBS electrodes, is now sponsoring a double-blind, controlled phase III trial on up to 200 patients at three centres in the United States.
Participants in the study, called BROADEN (Brodmann Area 25 Deep Brain Neuromodulation), will have DBS devices implanted, targeting the same part of the brain as the Canadian study. Half of the devices will be switched on immediately after surgery, while the other half will wait for six months before being stimulated. Neither the patients nor the scientists and clinicians will know who is switched on at any particular time. The study is expected to take several years to complete.
More than a manicure
“In the meantime we need to know why some of the patients don’t respond at all,” says Mayberg. “Are we missing the target, or are there different subtypes of the disease?” Her team is now trying to find out how to identify those who will respond to DBS, and those who won’t. “Brain surgery is not like getting your nails done, so it is important to try to find out who will benefit.”
Other centres in Germany, Belgium and the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio are also doing DBS trials in depression, but they use slightly different targets in the brain. Neurologists think that the therapy works by activating or damping down particular brain circuits. At the moment, no-one knows which of the targets within these circuits will eventually prove to be the most optimal. “It’s important to have different approaches during these early days of the therapy,” says Mayberg.
The German study, for example, uses the nucleus accumbens. Psychiatrist Thomas Schlaepfer of the University of Bonn says that most of the ten patients studied by the team so far are responding well. “Our patients have been selected from the worst of the worst — people who have been continually depressed for twenty years or more,” he says. “For a psychiatrist it is amazing to see that many of the patients have no symptoms at all any more — although two showed no response at all.”
All Schlaepfer's responders have become very motivated to take up activities instead of lying in bed, he says. The centres are also investigating the value of DBS in other psychiatric disturbances, such as obsessive compulsive disorder and addiction.

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01 August 2008

If you're depressed it's "all in your head."

Fact: Your thoughts, and the emotions that follow, cause a
chain reaction of events within your body.

When you experence emotions, whether they feel good or bad,
some of your body's glands go to work to produce a unique
combination of hormones called peptides that are
subsequently flooded throughout your body.

Every emotion has a corresponding combination of peptides
associated with it. These peptides affect every cell of your
body. Therefore, when you experience emotions that don't feel
good that are a natural part of depression, you can rest
assured that it isn't "all in your head."

My ebook provides a thorough discussion of exactly how this
process works and how it affects your body.

Learn more regarding depression... it's true cause, how
to stop the pain and how to heal it once and for all in my
book "You Can Heal Your Depression Now!--No Expensive
Therapy... No Dangerous Antidepressants."

Click here to get Breaking News and Latest Updates

29 July 2008

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer with........

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer with

Fact: This simply is not true. I know this to be a fact
because of my own personal experience. You can overcome
depression once and for all.

This myth has been perpetuated by the pharmaceutical
companies and the medical establishment. It is in the best
interest of those who make their living through these
avenues to have you believe you will never be able to
overcome your depression.

It all boils down to a simple matter of economics. This is
not a bad thing. It is, however, in your best interest to
be aware of the truth of the matter.

Have you ever heard the phrase "knowledge is power"? Well,
in the case of depression that is a true and powerful

Once you know the true cause of depression you will have
everything you need in order to eliminate it from your life
for good.

Learn more

regarding depression... it's true cause, how to stop the pain and how to heal it once and for all in my
book "You Can Heal Your Depression Now!--No Expensive
Therapy... No Dangerous Antidepressants."

24 July 2008

How To Heal Depression Naturally Without Therapy

Dear Fellow Depression Sufferer,

For less than the cost of one group therapy session I can show you how to experience:

More enjoyment of life…
More energy…
More control of your life…

If these are things you'd like to experience, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read!

Here's why…

I can assure you you're not “nuts” – there’s a legitimate reason for your feelings…

You’ll discover the REAL REASON you’re depressed (and it may surprise you)...

Discover the “secrets” for how to put an end to the depression that is controlling your life…

Knowledge gives you power! Once you know the true cause of your depression you will have what you need to begin the journey to living a life free of depression.
This is the one single solution you’ve been searching for to free you from the bonds of your depression.

I will give you a proven, powerful method anyone can use for ending depression once and for all. You can do what I did and begin to feel better fast!

Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. You’re probably wondering why I think I’m qualified to write about this subject since I’m not a psychologist or psychiatrist… heck, I’m not even a psychiatric nurse. But, here are three good reasons I can back up what I claim:

Click here to continue.....

18 July 2008

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer......

If you are depressed, you'll always suffer with

Fact: This simply is not true. I know this to be a fact
because of my own personal experience. You can overcome
depression once and for all.

This myth has been perpetuated by the pharmaceutical
companies and the medical establishment. It is in the best
interest of those who make their living through these
avenues to have you believe you will never be able to
overcome your depression.

It all boils down to a simple matter of economics. This is
not a bad thing. It is, however, in your best interest to
be aware of the truth of the matter.

Have you ever heard the phrase "knowledge is power"? Well,
in the case of depression that is a true and powerful

Once you know the true cause of depression you will have
everything you need in order to eliminate it from your life
for good.

The true cause of depression is revealed in plain language
anyone can understand in Chapter 15 of my ebook.

Learn more regarding depression... it's true cause, how
to stop the pain and how to heal it once and for all in my
book "You Can Heal Your Depression Now!--No Expensive
Therapy... No Dangerous Antidepressants."

My mission is to provide beneficial information to people
who desire, and unquestionably deserve, to live a wonderful
quality of life.

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15 July 2008

Depression Tips

1. First and foremost, ‘talk’.

Talking to someone close to you can go a long way in keeping away the blues. Your spouse/partner, your parents, your siblings or your close friends can be your pillar of strength during this depressive phase. Always remember… those who love you, will not judge you based on your weaknesses and will definitely give you the support you need.

2. Exercise.

Take a walk or jog a while. If you’re into sports like basketball or baseball, go sweat it out in the court or on the field. Exercising helps the release of endorphins, which in turn stimulate happiness.

3. Cry.

Experts believe that crying relieves a lot of stress. You’ll feel better once you’ve wet those eyes a bit.

4. Get some sunlight.

One of the simplest ways to get rid of depression is to step outdoors. Sunlight will surely make you feel better, especially if you tend to stay holed up in your house or in poorly lit environment.

5. Music to the rescue.

Listening to peppy numbers does surely elevate the spirits. Put on your dancing shoes and shake a leg to some groovy numbers. Join some salsa classes or take ballroom lessons. The Fred Astaire feel will make you float on air!

6. Don’t stay idle.

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop… an oft used phrase. Well, it’s true. The more occupied you are doing chores, the lesser the time, that you’ll spend thinking about depressing things.

7. Write.

Making your journal your best buddy would help you pour out your feelings and frustrations. You could chart out how you want to go about planning your strategy to combat depression.

8. Diet.

A well balanced nutritious diet would help you stay focused and keep your mind and body in perfect order, helping you cope better with anxiety during depressive phases.

9. Get a hug.

So get one of your loved ones to give you a nice, tight hug and you’ll be feeling much brighter and cheerful.

10. Seek professional help.

If the depression persists for more than two weeks, with periods of lack of sleep or change in appetite or a feeling of despair or worthlessness, consult a specialist. Remember, that the doctor is your best friend and the more you let him/her know how you’re feeling, the better and quicker will your recovery be. Anti- depressants can help you shorten your recovery period.

Follow these tips and you’ll be fast tracking your way to recovery, holding your head really high!

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11 June 2008

Anxiety and philosophy

by Robert Good.

Anxiety and philosophy - what the heck do they have in
common, and why's it important for you? Read on and I'll tell

Back in high school I read a philosophical essay by Albert
Camus called "The Myth of Sisyphus." (Bear with me here it
will all make sense in a moment)

It made a BIG impression on me. In the essay, Camus talks
about man's futile search for a sense of meaning in the face
of crazy illogical world. He goes on and compares the
craziness and struggles of our lives with the situation of

Sisyphus was a figure of Greek mythology, who was condemned
to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a rock
up a mountain, only to see it roll down again. Don't we all
know *that* feeling all to well?!

Anyway, Camus concludes by saying:

"The struggle itself is enough to fill a man's heart. One
must imagine Sisyphus happy."

Read that quote again. Why? Because in those few words you
will find one of the keys for conquering your anxiety. There
are two reasons...

Reason One: Emotional control and happiness is an ongoing
process. When you are worried and wracked with anxiety, or
down and depressed, those feelings occupy you at the expense
of too many other things. I've been there.

And in fact I still have "off" days every now and again
*Everyone does* But that's not important. What is important
is how you handle pushing that rock up the hill only for it
to roll all the way back down again...

Like many people I'd get fed-up and down about the constant
seemingly non-stop struggle and worry. But I was totally
blind to what was really going on...

But now, when I have an off day, I'm aware of what's
happening. I ask myself "What's really happening, RIGHT NOW,
this very second?"; I bring my mind back to the present

When my mind is in the present moment, it's not wallowing
about the past, or worrying about the future. Yes, sometimes
being in the present moment hurts, but by being aware of it,
by accepting your anxiety and depression now, it begins to

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04 June 2008

Two Words That Drive Your Anxiety.....

If you suffer from general anxiety you may find yourself
saying things like: "What if I get cancer?", "What if my
partner is falling out of love with me?", "What if I say
something and look like an idiot?", "What if I can't meet
that deadline at work?","What if I mess up that
presentation?", "What if...?"

All these "what ifs...?" keep anxiety stoked. When you are
worrying or anxious there is a stream of these "what if...?"
thoughts. So, what to do?

Well there are a number of methods you can use. But I'll
teach you a very simple one you can begin using today,
quickly and easily. It's a two step process...

1. Become Aware. Usually these "what if...?" thoughts happen
so automatically and naturally they barely register in
your conscious mind, you get caught up in a sort of
day-dream, or should that be day-mare! So the first step
is to become *aware* of when you are caught up in the
"what if...?" process. Just notice, and be aware.

2. So what...? When you become aware that you're in an
anxious or worrisome moment *reframe* you thoughts.
Instead of saying "what if...?" say to yourself "so what
if...?" This is a subtle but very significant change in
your relationship with worry. Saying "what if...?" is like
trying to confront an undefeatable enemy face-on and
battling away, but the more you do so the more drained you
become. Here, you can't win. But saying "so what if...?"
is like mentally shrugging your shoulders and just walking
away from that enemy. When you do this you save yourself a
whole lot of mental and physical energy.

While this method won't cure anxiety, for many people it
certainly takes the edge off. Give it a try, you might be
pleasantly surprised. If you want to really defeat anxiety,
once and for all then why not give it a try ....
Click the below link to enter the Exclusive Panic Attack Site

20 May 2008

Anxiety/Panic attack worries you?

If you're like most people then a big chunk of your anxiety
usually involves a lot worry. Why do we worry? Because worry
allows you to use your thoughts and mind to imagine what
*could* happen in the future. This can be very useful...

Worry can help you work out solutions to problems that may
arise. Worry can help you avoid potential tricky or dangerous
situations. Worry can help motivate you. Worrying may be a way
to show other people that you're responsible or caring. All
this applies to most people - except people who worry a lot.


Because believing that worry helps means you buy into the
belief, at least at some level, that "worry is good".

If you suffer chronic worry then believing that worry is good
or helps you is a mental trap. After all if worry was useful
to you then why is it causing you so much anxiety?

So long as you believe that worry is good you will never fully
be able let go of anxiety. It would be like someone trying to
give up smoking, but at the same time thinking cigarettes are
good for them. Do you see the problem here?

Until you accept that worry does you more harm than good
anxiety will persist. But the good news is this...

You are now aware that perhaps worry isn't so good after all.
And if you can firmly implant in your mind that worry is not
beneficial then anxiety will start to fade.

The best way to do this is become aware of when you think or
feel you *have to* worry for reasons like these...

"If I worry I won't be late"..."If I worry we won't
argue"..."Worry will alert me quicker if I get ill"..."If I
worry I'll be better prepared to cope"..."If I worry I won't
mess up at work"..."I must worry so I don't make
mistakes"..."Worrying keeps me safe"...and so on.

Every time you catch yourself thinking along these lines ask
yourself if worry is helping you or hindering you more. In
most cases you will find that worry is eating at your time and
energy, and causing nothing but anxiety.

Enjoy this tip?it has helped 100's of people overcome anxiety in weeks (some in
days!).Check it out here...

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16 May 2008

Holistic approaches that may be helpful for anxiety

Reducing exposure to stressful situations can help decrease anxiety. In some cases, meditation, counseling, or group therapy can greatly facilitate this process.21

Acupuncture has been the subject of limited research as a therapy for anxiety. In an uncontrolled study, eight patients suffering from anxiety were treated with acupuncture three times per week for eight sessions. Six of the eight patients achieved good to moderate improvement.22 However, a trial of acupuncture treatment for anxiety associated with quitting smoking did not provide any evidence of benefit.23 A double-blind study of acupuncture for the treatment of anxiety associated with dental procedures reported that acupuncture and placebo were equally effective.24 Acupuncture remains unproven in the treatment of people with anxiety.

A form of counseling known as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been shown to be superior to placebo for managing the symptoms of panic disorder.25 In a controlled trial, six months of CBT produced a response rate of 39.5%, compared to only 13% in the placebo group. When combined with the tricyclic antidepressant drug imipramine (Tofranil®), response rates were even higher (57.1%). For long-term management of panic disorder, imipramine produced a superior quality of response, but CBT had more durability and was better tolerated.

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09 May 2008

Do you ever suffer from a fearful thought?(Anxiety/Panic attack)

Do you ever suffer from a fearful thought you can't seem to
get out of your mind?

So what can be done for people who suffer from fearful thoughts?

To begin, lets look at how a fearful thought is powered, and then how to discharge that fearful thought quickly.

Say for example you are going about your daily business when a scary thought enters your mind. Maybe you fear you are about to have an anxiety attack. Maybe it's a fear about your health?

Whatever the fear, the pattern that follows is usually predictable. You start to feel a knot n your stomach as you contemplate the thought, and you get sucked into a repetitive thinking pattern of fear. The strong emotion (fear) then powers the thought. When the thought comes again, your body 'remembers' the strong emotion, and the fearful thought has an even stronger connection in your mind.

You may even continue to spend the rest of your day thinking about that fear. It can become very obsessive and may even keep you from concentrating on whatever is at hand.

SO how can you eliminate these unwanted anxious thoughts?

When you begin to obsess and worry about an issue it is very important not to force the thoughts away -let them in, they are harmless. The more comfortable you can become with them, the better. These thoughts will never go away fully, but what can change is your reaction to them.

Everybody experiences fleeting thoughts that many would consider scary or crazy. The difference between most people and somebody who gets over-anxiously caught up in them is that the average person sees them for exactly what they are - just thoughts and casually ignores them.

So let's take an example:

You are enjoying the way your day is going but, then all of sudden a fearful thought comes to mind. Traditionally you would have reacted with anxiety and tried to put that thought out of your mind - This time, however, say:

"That's an interesting idea -I could worry about that, but this time I'm going to do something different- I'm not going to react to it, but I'm also not going to try and stop it, either. I'm just going to watch the thought." Then the thought comes again, and once again you do exactly the same. As if you were observing a cloud passing overhead, you simply watch it as it passes by. No judgment. Just observe.

Just watch it, then go about your daily business. See it for what it is, one of the thousands of fleeting sane and insane thoughts every one of us experiences daily.

For some, it helps to imagine the thoughts as if you are watching them on a large cinema screen and the thoughts are projected out in front of you. You watch them but you don't react to them.

Now comes the real trick to turning this situation to your advantage. When things are going well and you are not worrying about anything in particular, actually invite one of your more regular fearful thoughts in!

Call the fear to you -say you just want it to come close to observe - and again sit back and examine it.

It may seem like the last thing you would wish to bring upon yourself, as you don't particularly enjoy the thoughts. But this approach can be very empowering. You are now calling the shots this time - you actually invited the issue in. This immediately discharges the fear of the thing that is worrying you.

The fear comes when we pull against it like in a tug of war. It is the mental struggle that creates the tension. It is the mental conflict of saying

"I don't want to think about this"

"I don't like that thought- I want it to go away" that causes us the anxiety and stress.

Invite them in willingly and you suddenly place yourself in a unique position of control that you may have never felt you had before. You are no longer a victim of fearful thinking but a decision maker in what you will or will not be concerned about.

Use this technique for any thought about which you find yourself worrying about. It will disempower it immediately and leave you feeling in control.

As with every technique there is always a level of practice involved in the beginning. Initially you may fall into the trap of getting anxious about the fearful thought itself.

But keep at it. Practice inviting the fear and you will quickly see how less impacting those fearful thoughts becomes.

The internal battle is over, as you no longer struggle to resist the thought.

Always remember that there is a lot of hope for an immediate and successful recovery from all forms of panic attacks and anxiety disorders. You can have the life of your dreams.

Anxiety does not have the right to steal that hope from you.

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08 May 2008

Dietary changes that may be helpful for anxiety

All sources of caffeine should be avoided, including coffee, tea, chocolate, caffeinated sodas, and caffeine-containing medications. People with high levels of anxiety appear to be more susceptible to the actions of caffeine.

1 Nutritional supplements that may be helpful for anxiety

Inositol has been used to help people with anxiety who have panic attacks. Up to 4 grams three times per day was reported to control such attacks in a double-blind trial.

2 Inositol (18 grams per day) has also been shown in a double-blind trial to be effective at relieving the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

3 An isolated double-blind trial found that supplementation with a multivitamin-mineral supplement for four weeks led to significant reductions in anxiety and perceived stress compared to placebo.

4 Many years ago, magnesium was reported to be relaxing for people with mild anxiety.

5 Typically, 200 to 300 mg of magnesium are taken two to three times per day. Some doctors recommend soaking in a hot tub containing 1–2 cups of magnesium sulfate crystals (Epsom salts) for 15 to 20 minutes, though support for this approach remains anecdotal.

Niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B3) has been shown in animals to work in the brain in ways similar to drugs such as benzodiazepines (Valium®-type drugs), which are used to treat anxiety.

6 One study found that niacinamide (not niacin) helped people get through withdrawal from benzodiazepines—a common problem.

7 A reasonable amount of niacinamide to take for anxiety, according to some doctors, is up to 500 mg four times per day.

Are there any side effects or interactions with anxiety?

Refer to the individual supplement for information about any side effects or interactions.

Herbs that may be helpful for anxiety

Several plants, known as “nervines” (nerve tonics), are used in traditional herbal medicine for people with anxiety, with few reports of toxicity. Most nervines have not been rigorously investigated by scientific means to confirm their efficacy. However, one study found that a combination of the nervines valerian and passion flower reduced symptoms in people suffering from anxiety.

8 In a double-blind study, 45 drops per day of an extract of passion flower taken for four weeks was as effective as 30 mg per day of oxazepam (Serax®), a medication used for anxiety.

9 Other nervines include oats (oat straw), hops, passion flower, American scullcap, wood betony, motherwort, pennyroyal, and linden.St. John’s wort has been reported in one double-blind study to reduce anxiety.

10 An old folk remedy for anxiety, particularly when it causes insomnia, is chamomile tea. There is evidence from test tube studies that chamomile contains compounds with a calming action.

11 There are also animal studies that suggest a benefit from chamomile for anxiety,

12 but no human studies support this belief. Often one cup of tea is taken three or more times per day.Warning: Kava should only be taken with medical supervision. Kava is not for sale in certain parts of the world.

Until recently, the preeminent botanical remedy for anxiety was kava, an herb from the South Pacific. It has been extensively studied for this purpose.

13 One 100 mg capsule standardized to 70% kava-lactones is given three times per day in many studies. Preliminary

14 and double-blind trials have validated the effectiveness of kava for people with anxiety, including menopausal women.

15 A previous study found kava to be just as effective as benzodiazepines over the course of six weeks.

16 The latest research shows that use of kava for up to six months is safe and effective compared with placebo.19 Although kava rarely causes side effects at the given amount, it may cause problems for some people if combined for more than a few days with benzodiazepines.

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06 May 2008

Stress Management Story

A lecturer was giving a lecture to his student on stress management.
He raised a glass of water and asked the audience,

"How heavy do you think this glass of water is?"

The student answered ranged from 20-50gram.
It doesn't matter on the absolute weight. It depends on how long you hold it.
If I hold it for a minute, it’s OK
If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm.
If I hold it for a day, you will have to call the ambulance.
It is the exact same weight, but the longer i hold it, the heavier it becomes."
"If we carry our burden all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier."

"What you have to do is put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again."
We have to put down the burden periodically, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.
So before you go home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.
Whatever burden you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can.
Pick it up again later when you are rested...
Rest and relax...
Life is short enjoy it.

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25 April 2008

Does getting old have to mean worsening memory, slower reactions and fuzzy thinking?

AROUND the age of 40, honest folks may already admit to noticing changes in their mental abilities. This is the beginning of a gradual decline that in all too many of us will culminate in full-blown dementia. If it were possible somehow to reverse it, slow it or mask it, wouldn't you?

A few drugs that might do the job, known as "cognitive enhancement", are already on the market, and a few dozen others are on the way. Perhaps the best-known is modafinil. Licensed to treat narcolepsy, the condition that causes people to suddenly fall asleep, it has notable effects in healthy people too. Modafinil can keep a person awake and alert for 90 hours straight, with none of the jitteriness and bad concentration that amphetamines or even coffee seem to produce.

In fact, with the help of modafinil, sleep-deprived people can perform even better than their well-rested, unmedicated selves. The forfeited rest doesn't even need to be made good. Military research is finding that people can stay awake for 40 hours, sleep the normal 8 hours, and then pull a few more all-nighters with no ill effects. It's an open secret that many, perhaps most, prescriptions for modafinil are written not for people who suffer from narcolepsy, but for those who simply want to stay awake. Similarly, many people are using Ritalin not because they suffer from attention deficit or any other disorder, but because they want superior concentration during exams or heavy-duty negotiations.

The pharmaceutical pipeline is clogged with promising compounds - drugs that act on the nicotinic receptors that smokers have long exploited, drugs that work on the cannabinoid system to block pot-smoking-type effects. Some drugs have also been specially designed to augment memory. Many of these look genuinely plausible: they seem to work, and without any major side effects.

So why aren't we all on cognitive enhancers already? "We need to be careful what we wish for," says Daniele Piomelli at the University of California at Irvine. He is studying the body's cannabinoid system with a view to making memories less emotionally charged in people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Tinkering with memory may have unwanted effects, he warns. "Ultimately we may end up remembering things we don't want to."

Gary Lynch, also at UC Irvine, voices a similar concern. He is the inventor of ampakines, a class of drugs that changes the rules about how a memory is encoded and how strong a memory trace is - the essence of learning (see New Scientist, 14 May, p 6). But maybe the rules have already been optimised by evolution, he suggests. What looks to be an improvement could have hidden downsides.

Still, the opportunity may be too tempting to pass up. The drug acts only in the brain, claims Lynch. It has a short half-life of hours. Ampakines have been shown to restore function to severely sleep-deprived monkeys that would otherwise perform poorly. Preliminary studies in humans are just as exciting. You could make an elderly person perform like a much younger person, he says. And who doesn't wish for that?

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14 April 2008

Hypnosis is a Successful way to Relieve Stress

Stress contributes to "silent killers" such as high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes and several other fatal illness. It also affects the immune system. Stress When left unmanaged stress can maniifest a wide range of symptoms and affect every part of the body Dealing with work pressures, colleagues, unreasonable boss will set chemical reactions in your brain and body Hypnosis is a successful way to relieve stress.

The power of hypnosis works at a subconscious level. You will learn to visualize your stress and then visualized situation stress free and fell how great it is to live without stress. Hypnosis can help lower blood pressure, manage chronic pain and slow or reverse aging.

This is an amazing process that has worked for so many people Practicing hypnosis on a regular basis can lead to improved physical and mental health but it takes time to the result.

Many people prefer to learn hypnosis by attending a class or one-on-one instruction, where they can interact with the instructor. If you are too busy and if classes are not an option , hypnosis book, CD, scripts can help you jus as beneficial. Hypnosis CD are a convenient way to engage in meditation on a regular basis. You can listen to them whenever you need to relax an unwind. Hypnosis has so many wonderful benefits such as an improved self-esteem, greater confidence and happier life.

Here is show you how simple you can do hypnosis;

First, decide if you want to use affirmations as part of your self-hypnosis session. Next, find somewhere comfortable and quiet, and sit down. Now, relax your body. A good way of doing this is to close your eyes and imagine waves of relaxation running down your body from your scalp downwards, washing out stress.

The next step is to use suggestion to deepen the state of relaxation. Once you feel completely relaxed, use the affirmations you have prepared. Mix these in with the relaxation suggestions. Typical self-hypnosis sessions can last between 15 and 25 minutes; however, they can last for as long as you like. An alternative to using self- hypnosis is to listen to hypnosis MP3s - the benefit of these is that you can listen to them and relax when you are too tired to want to hypnotize yourself.

04 April 2008

24 Stress Relievers

Guided Imagery








Playing Games




Music Therapy

Take a Walk

Plant a Garden

Time Management

Listen To Music

Eat a Balanced Diet

Learn Assertive Communication Skills

Enjoy Aromatherapy

Reduce Caffeine Intake

Drink in Moderation

Don’t Procrastinate

Drink Green Tea

18 March 2008

10 Stress Relieving Tips

"Yesterday's in the past and tomorrow's in the future.
Today is a gift-which is why they call it a present."
Why wait tomorrow while you can do it today with 10 helpful ideas to help you relieve stress in you life:

1. Write down your priorities in life.
Choose your daily activities to support those priorities.

Let go anything you can not find the time to do that is low on your list.
Forgive yourself for not being able to do everything especially it's not in
your priorities. Do not sweat with small stuff and too tough to yourself!

2. Give yourself to stay healthy

Always eat breakfast, buy healthy snack, replace coffee with a cup of green tea, drink water(min 8 cups a day), Exercise regularly, sleep well (at least 7 hours a day)

3. Positive thinking

Read good motivation book. Spend more time with optimistic people. People with negative thinking can pull you down your mind. Decide to work with people who have a positive attitude towards life as compared with the negative ones.

4. Find your quite time

Take time out each and everyday for some quite time. Set your suite time and place
that you can talk to God and say anything you want to tell.

5. Do Relaxation

Get a body massage. Listen to relaxation music. Imagine yourself in a beautiful garden where you kind see lots of colorful flower. You can smell the fresh aroma, or in any place which for you like the most. If you don't have such a place invents one. Hypnosis audio or ready hypnosis script can help you to visualize it.

6. Share your feelings with friends and love ones.

By sharing your feeling it will help you to reduce the stress level. If you have problem with your friends or you love, forgive them. Don't remain angry for long.

7. Learn to listen more

Rather than getting distressed when others differ with you, listen energetically. Be self-assured and stand up for yourself but do not be inflexible.

8. Lighten up

Smile more often. Amusement reduces stress. You will be astonished at how much more
enjoyable the people around you re when you make an attempt to be pleasant yourself.

9. Concentrate on hobbies

Doing things you like will reduce the tension and this is a positive activity instead
going to club and drink alcohol to forget your stress.

10. Fix your surroundings

Make whatever modification you need to your bed room. Temperature, noise level,comfort pillow etc. This will help you to have good sleeping as normally for those under stress will have sleeping problem.

27 February 2008

General Symptoms of Bipolar

Bipolar disorder (also known as "manic depression") is often not recognized by the patient, relatives, friends, or even physicians. An early sign of manic-depressive illness may be hypomania -- a state in which the person shows a high level of energy, excessive moodiness or irritability, and impulsive or reckless behavior. Hypomania may feel good to the person who experiences it. Thus, even when family and friends learn to recognize the mood swings, the individual often will deny that anything is wrong.
In its early stages, bipolar disorder may masquerade as a problem other than mental illness. For example, it may first appear as alcohol or drug abuse, or poor school or work performance.
If left untreated, bipolar disorder tends to worsen, and the person experiences episodes of full-fledged manic episodes and depressive episodes.
One of the usual differential diagnoses for bipolar disorder is that the symptoms (listed below) are not better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder and is not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.
And as with nearly all mental disorder diagnoses, the symptoms of manic depression must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Symptoms also can not be the result of substance use or abuse (e.g., alcohol, drugs, medications) or caused by a general medical condition.

Specific symptoms of the various types of bipolar disorder:
Bipolar I DisorderBipolar I Disorder actually is a number of separate diagnoses, depending upon the type of mood most recently experienced.
Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode
Presence of only one Manic Episode and no past Major Depressive Episodes. Note: Recurrence is defined as either a change in polarity from depression or an interval of at least 2 months without manic symptoms.
Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic
Currently (or most recently) in a Hypomanic Episode.
There has previously been at least one Manic Episode or Mixed Episode.
Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic
Currently (or most recently) in a Manic Episode.
There has previously been at least one Major Depressive Episode, Manic Episode, or Mixed Episode.
Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed
Currently (or most recently) in a Mixed Episode.
There has previously been at least one Major Depressive Episode, Manic Episode, or Mixed Episode.
Bipolar II Disorder
Presence (or history) of one or more Major Depressive Episodes and at least one Hypomanic Episode. Additionally, there has never been a Manic Episode or a Mixed Episode.

21 February 2008

What is Bi-polar Disorder ?


Bipolar disorder, previously called manic depression, is a condition that affects your moods, which can swing from one extreme to another. If you have bipolar disorder, you will have periods, or episodes of depression and mania.

The two extremes are characterised as follows:

Depression where you feel very low, andmania where you feel very high. If your symptoms are slightly less severe, it is known as hypomania.Both extremes of bipolar disorder have other symptoms associated with them (see symptoms section). Unlike simple mood swings, each extreme episode can last for several weeks or longer. The high and low phases of the illness can be so extreme that they interfere with your daily life.

The exact cause of bipolar disorder is not fully understood, but the condition seems to run in families. It is a relatively common condition, with around 1 person in 100 being diagnosed as having bipolar disorder. It can occur at any age, but often develops between the ages of 18 and 24 years. Both men and women, and people from all backgrounds, can get it.

The pattern of mood swings in bipolar disorder varies widely between individuals. Some people have only a couple of bipolar episodes in their lifetime and are stable in between, while others may experience many episodes.

The depression phase often comes first. Initially, you may be diagnosed with clinical depression, and then have a manic episode some time later (sometimes years later), after which your diagnosis might change. During a phase of depression, you may have overwhelming feelings of worthlessness which often lead to thoughts of suicide.

During a manic phase, you may feel extremely happy and have lots of ambitious plans and ideas. You may also spend large amounts of money on things that you cannot afford. Not feeling like eating or sleeping, talking quickly, and becoming annoyed easily, are also quite common. You may be very creative, and feel that mania is an extremely positive experience. However, during a manic phase, you may also have symptoms of psychosis, where you see or hear things that are not there.

15 February 2008

Should I use psychiatric drugs for my anxiety?

In the mental health arena, psychiatric drugs or anti-depressants are used to help
alter mood and control behavior. People suffering with anxiety and depression
have turned to household drug names like Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft for several
years now. Not only are these drugs prescribed by psychiatrists, they are now
being administered by physicians who lack the expertise of recognizing mental

To make matters worse, some of these drugs are known to have numerous and
serious side effects such as uncontrollable facial and body tics (signs of severe
neurological damage), hallucinations, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, withdrawal
symptoms and sexual dysfunction.

Ritalin in children, for example, is known to cause brain damage, stunted growth,
insomnia, loss of appetite, stomachache, headaches, dizziness and changes in
personality and behavior.

A small percentage of anti-depressant users may even become suicidal,
homicidal or both. Homicidal tendencies may sound like a stretch but consider
the recent increase of shootings over the last 2 decades especially in America’s
school system.

In 1994, according to the Journal of the American
Medical Association, 3,000 prescriptions for Prozac
were written across the U.S. for children less than 1 year old.

Another 150,000 psychiatric drug prescriptions were written for children between
the ages of two and four years old. As shocking as this may seem, it is even
more appalling to know that these drugs are not approved for children younger
than the age of six nor is there any data concerning the safety and efficacy for
such age groups.

Why are psychiatric drugs so prevalent in American society?
I strongly encourage you to read an interview with Robert Whitaker, author of
Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine and the Enduring Mistreatment of
the Mentally Ill. Mr. Whitaker’s investigative reporting uncovers how psychiatric
drugs and the companies distributing them are endangering the public health of
America. It truly is a fascinating interview and I strongly recommend you read it
right away especially if you are a parent or you have considered using these
types of drugs in the past. Click the link below for an interview you don’t want to


The core issue at stake here concerning these drugs is the alarming
rate of drug distribution to all age groups, especially in America, and the
profound negative impact these drugs are having on people.

This negative impact, in some cases, is provoking or spawning other disorders in
people prompting doctors to prescribe even more drugs. The result is giant
profits for drug companies at the expense of a tormented and drugged up
American society. The word “criminal” does not suffice for the monstrosity that is
taking place and has been for several years now.

Despite corporate greed, caregivers are contributing to the problem by
looking for and trying to administer a quick fix for anxiety and depression.

I would like to say that in no way am I scrutinizing or criticizing the good work of
foster parents or caregivers as a whole. I, myself, worked in a group home for
over a year. I know exactly how difficult it can be to manage a rowdy and
rambunctious group of preadolescents. Getting through to kids, especially those
that hail from a disadvantaged background can seem like a monumental task; but
hastily medicating those exhibiting even the slightest abnormal behavior is simply
irresponsible and unconscionable.

According to Robert Whitaker in his interview, “60-70% of foster kids
in the state of Massachusetts are now on psychiatric drugs.”

Are we really to assume that 6-7 out of 10 foster kids suffer with a mental illness
in the state of Massachusetts or is something else taking place there? Perhaps
caregivers, foster parents, doctors and child service administrators are relying far
too heavily on psychiatric drugs to make their jobs easier in managing and
controlling kids? Across America, as a whole, psychiatric drug usage is on the
rise but kids, especially, deserve more careful consideration and proper
evaluation before becoming another drug statistic.

So what is a safer solution for anxiety?
You will have to wait until next report to find out.

31 January 2008

What really causes anxiety and what are some common anxiety disorders?

“To change the printout of the body, you must learn to rewrite the software of the mind.”

Deepak Chopra, ‘Perfect Health’

Remember the time you went for a job interview and your heart was thumping so hard -
you thought the interviewer might hear it? Or the time you woke up as a child in the dark and believed the fear of being eaten alive by some ghastly presence might kill you? You may have felt anxious about the state of your finances, to the point that your hands began to sweat and you even felt breathless sometimes. These are the everyday signs of anxiety.

Is fear and worry ruling your life?

If you are having trouble living the kind of life you want, then you may be suffering from anxiety or possibly even an anxiety disorder.

What causes anxiety?

There are many reasons for developing an anxiety disorder. The key to your anxiety may be due to almost anything i.e. a controlling spouse, lost job, failed relationship or perhaps a rare phobia.

On the other hand your anxiety may be due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. It could be due to some past trauma during childhood Any or all of these can leave you spinning out of control and very anxious.

Is anxiety making Americans ill?

Anxiety disorders make you 3-5 times more likely to fall ill according to ‘The Anxiety Disorders Association of America’. This is why you need to be aware of the different kinds of triggers to anxiety like-

Social stress
A negative personality
Lack of mental balance
Genes & hereditary factors
Crisis situations that cause trauma

Social Stress # If you have been brought up in a dysfunctional family or neighborhood or if you are in a situation of familial conflict and lack a support system, chances are you will be more prone to anxiety.

A Negative Personality # Negative thinking like-‘I can never be loved’ or if you are
constantly threatened by a ‘dangerous world out there’ and feel powerless all the time.

These self-effacing thoughts result in poor self-esteem & coping strategies that in turn will lead to anxiety.

Genes & hereditary factors # Your anxiety could be rooted in your genes if anxiety disorders run in your family. It may be in your blood to be more prone to get the jitters.

Lack of mental balance # (or faulty brain chemistry) - can also trigger anxiety due to an inequality of neurotransmitters like GABA, serotonin or epinephrine. Or your
stress hormone ‘cortisol’ may be at abnormal levels. (Medications try to readjust this faulty chemical balance but they can also get you hooked.)

Trauma # You may get anxious after surviving an earthquake or a war or due to some
other horrifying experience in your childhood. Anxiety disorders can leave you feeling helpless as a child even when you are an adult.

Common Anxiety Disorders

There are so many different kinds of anxiety disorders and no hard and fast rules on
everyday anxiety. This is why it is difficult sometimes to pin down. Here are some of the Worst and most common kinds of anxiety disorders…

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) # is the worst kind of anxiety disorder. It is
marked by obsessions-like cleanliness-that can make you repeatedly clean the apartment or change the sheets even when you don’t need to. These compulsive behaviors are due to uncontrollable and uninvited thoughts.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder # (PTSD) usually affects people who have been
through natural disasters or traumatic situations including war or other violence. PTSD is another severe anxiety disorder.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is the most common kind of anxiety disorder.
Every year around 4 million adult Americans suffer from ‘Generalized Anxiety
Disorder’. This very common form of anxiety may have its roots in childhood but
continues into adulthood.

Panic Attacks are unanticipated moments of intense fear. An anxiety attack usually
comes without forewarning and is accompanied with irrational fear of a supposed danger. It can last for up to 10 minutes during which time you may even feel as if you are having a heart attack!

You know you are having an anxiety attack if you feel four of the following

Short of breath
Chest pain
Pounding heart and palpitations
Pain in chest area
Cold/Hot flushes
Stomach problems or nausea
Irrational Fear

Separation Anxiety is a part and parcel of a child’s development. A child usually cries and is distressed when separated from a parent. Persistence of separation anxiety beyond a certain age is a sign of separation anxiety disorder.

Social anxiety is the fear of public humiliation. It can also take the form of severe
shyness and an avoidance of social situations. Stage fright is the most common type of social phobia.

17 January 2008

Distraction - A Cure of Panic Attack and Anxiety

Today's Tip is about the benefits of DISTRACTION

In order to move away from the generalized anxiety, which is the anxiety that seems to hover, both before and after the panic attack, you need to throw yourself 100% into whatever is at hand.

What is needed is to engage regularly in an activity that stimulates you, and holds your complete attention, something in which you can become completely absorbed. The more physical the activity the better.

Something that distracts you is a very valuable tool in taking your attention away from the uncomfortable sensation of anxiety that may be lingering in your body. The more you become involved in one of these activities the more you are engaging with life and the less stagnant and anxious you will feel.

Some of the possible activities that interest you could be:

Gardening, playing a musical instrument, sport, or simply havin g a good conversation with a friend. The idea here is to find something that you can repeat on a regular basis that you are good at or enjoy doing. It is very important that you enjoy the activity or you will not keep it up.

If you are having problems coming up with something you could do, then let me make a suggestion. One of the best distractions I could recommend for anybody who is unsure of an activity that might interest them is to volunteer in a local voluntary scheme. It could be anything from doing soup runs for the homeless, to environmental conservation.

If you can spare even one or two hours a week for such work, not only will you feel your self-esteem improve, but it will fully shake off any lingering feelings of isolation or loneliness which ar e so often feelings accompanied by anxiety and panic attacks. One thing you can be certain of is that there is some organization near you crying out for a volunteer just like you to assist them with their work.

The art of distraction has always been used to help people refocus and avoid concentrating on whatever physical or emotional discomfort the person is going through. It may just be the caring friend who invites their recently heart broken roommate out on the town to have some fun.

Dentists and doctors use distraction techniques frequently to distract the patient from a physical discomfort they may be experiencing, by giving them something else to focus on, (usually the bill). The purpose of using distraction, for people who want to live anxiety free, is to have new experiences that take the p erson's mind off the anxious feelings they have been experiencing.

If you imagine that all the fearful anxious thoughts that go through your mind are like a roll of film being run through a film projector (your mind) and out into your life. Concentrating on some activity immediately cuts the film and brings you directly into the here and now. When you are living in the moment there is no room for any anxiety disorder whatsoever. This buys both your body and mind much needed relaxation time to expel any excess chemicals in your system, which may lead to feelings of anxious discomfort.

By doing something you enjoy and feel you are good at, you are building new competencies. You are saying to yourself that the anxiety path is not one you want to travel down anymore so you focus on building up areas that you are good at. Areas of accomplishment that make you feel good about yourself.

The more time you give to following these rewarding pursuits, the easier it is for your body to relax and return to a normal state of peacefulness and satisfaction. Combine this with my ONE MOVE technique and people often look back weeks later and wonder if it was really them who was so anxious all the time.

Let me remind you that I am here to work with you if you want to learn more about my course and the One Move* technique that has turned so many peoples lives around.
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11 January 2008

Gratitude Is The Fastest Way To End Anxious Thoughts and Panic Attacks

This is very simple technique but it is really powerful.

Are you ready?

When you practice this technique you will feel a lightness and greater sense of perspective on anything that has been troubling you. This activation of your heart's emotion will lift the heavy fog sensation anxious thought causes within minutes if done correctly.

Begin by closing your eyes and moving your attention to your heart area. Imagine a feeling of warmth emanating from the center of your chest. If appropriate place your right hand there. If you are around
people or driving etc. simply imagine your right hand resting on your heart area. Imagine this area glowing warmly for one to two minutes.

Now, begin to focus on something in your life that you feel a genuine sense of appreciation for. This can be one or more things that you really appreciate having in your life (e.g., family, health, friends,
work, your home, etc.).

It is important to focus on things that spark a real sense of gratitude and appreciation. If you really appreciate the thing you are thinking about you will immediately feel a response from that area by way of a light warm sensation or you might smile involuntary.

You may even be feeling this right now as you think about all the great things you have in your life. It does not really matter what you think about as long as it evokes this feeling of warm appreciation from your heart area. Everyone has something they can greatful for. (Remember, the cemetery is full of people who would love to have your problems!)

More Testimonials available here Here!
Do not worry if you are thinking of your partner/family and you do not feel this. Some days it will be people close to you that will spark the heart feeling other days it may be just gratitude for the cards
you were dealt playing poker the previous night! It depends on the mood you are in, so remember it is the feeling you after.

The feeling is unmistakable, it is a positive change in your emotional state. It is really best to do this alone because you will want to stay with this feeling for as long as you can.

When you feel you have taken it as far as you can open your eyes. There is no time frame on this, it can a minute to half an hour. Again it is about establishing a heart/mind connection. Incorporate this into your daily routine.

Do it in the car.
Do it sitting at your desk.
Do it before you sleep at night.

Practise it again and again. Just like a muscle your heart will get more accustomed to this state and you will be able to switch into it at a moments notice.

I am writing about this here because I want to share a very simple way for you to feel more grounded and to lift the fog of anxious thoughts you may be experiencing right now.

You can also use this in the middle of any stressful situation and you will be surprised at the outcome in terms of your own stress levels and the change in reaction of others around you.

Try it out, be creative with it and make it your
own daily ritual for yourself.

It is my experience that most people do not have the patience or time to make major lifestyle changes. By using this one technique you can make a dramatic improvement to your life easily.

The simplest things in life are free and this is one of those gems.

Don't pass it up

Click Here!

03 January 2008

Attak Panic Treatment

Today I want to introduce you to a very powerful little technique for people who suffer from panic attacks (also known as anxiety attacks). It may not eliminate your panic attacks like the One Move* can but it is very good for getting through a difficult episode of anxiety and learning the key factors that trigger your panic attack.

Let me explain it briefly here:

When you feel the anxiety or panic a ttack building, and your thoughts become more fearful, take a pen and paper and begin to write down each and every feeling and thought you experience.

Write them in detail exactly as you experience them as if you were a newspaper reporter. Go into as much detail as possible. How does it make you feel? What are the symptoms? How strong are the sensations? How scared do you feel on a scale of 1 to 10.etc

Do not worry that you may be writing too much or too little. Try to elicit the first thought that started the worry and continue from there, describing the bodily sensations as they wash over you. See if you can remember any anxious thoughts you had when you first awoke that day and any more that occurred throughout the day. Write it all down.

This is a subtle but powerful technique -not only does it distract you from the anxiety and give you a safe area to release what you are feeling, (onto paper) but it also helps you better understand exactly what triggers your fears. You will feel much less anxious for having done this exercise and you can apply this whenever you feel the fear rising again.

I suggest you buy a small journal just for this exercises and use it anytime you feel the arrival of anxiety. You can then keep track of how you are progressing over time. People I teach often use this method in combination with the PANIC AWAY course and it helps them chart a marked improvement in their progress.

The very act of expressing what we feel helps us reduce the emotional tension we fe el inside. In this case you are expressing yourself through writing. You will be surprised at how powerful it can be. More so you will be creating an account of your progress as you move out of the anxiety and return to a more relaxed mode of living.

Next email Giridhar I will share another interesting tip that I think you will find most useful one that is simple and very effective.

Until then…
Kind Regards

01 January 2008

Do you ever suffer from the symptoms of a panic attack?

Do you ever suffer from the symptoms of a panic attack? -- Joe Berry
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-A pou nding heart, or an accelerated heart rate

-Trembling or shaking

-Shortness of breath

-A choking sensation

-Nausea or stomach cramps .

-A feeling of being dizzy, -unsteady, Light headed, or faint

-Derealization (a feeling of unreality)

-or Depersonalization (a feeling of being detached from oneself)

-Fear of losing control or going crazy

-Fear of dying

-Numbness or a tingling sensation

-Chills or warm flushes

Do these symptoms sound in any way familiar? Maybe your bodily sensations are a little different. Maybe the first time you experienced them was when you were on a plane, in the dentist chair or even at home, doing nothing in particular. If you have ever had what has become know as a 'panic attack', take comfort in the fact that you are by no means alone.

A pa nic attack always contains the threat of impending doom. You feel you are either about to lose your mind, or one of your vital bodily functions is about to cease functioning, and that you will end your days right there among strangers in the supermarket queue!

I want to share with you firstly the fact that there is great hope. You do not have to spend the rest of your life worrying about when the next one will strike. In fact you do not have to spend another moment worrying about panic attacks. You can be rid of panic attacks and anxiety disorders

-Let me explain how and tell you a little about myself.

My name is Joe Barry and like you I too suffered from Panic Attacks. Mine were on a very regular basis. I was in my firs t year of college studies when I had my first panic attack. I felt my world was coming down around me.

I had no idea what a panic attack was at the time and naturally jumped to conclusions that things were far worse than they really were. I quite literally thought I was dying. For the next year I spent almost all my time and energy worrying when and where the next attack would arrive. I refused to seek help and carried small bottles of alcohol around as a safety measure in case I felt a panic attack coming.

Basically I was terrified. At night I would spend hours researching the causes of panic attacks and trying out all manners of techniques to help eliminate them. I became an expert on anxiety but none of that helped me stop the attacks -nothing was making me better.

My world was becoming smaller and people were beginning to worry about me. Due to the high anxiety I was also suffering from, I experienced a strange sensation of derealization, whereby it seemed nothing felt real; as if I was looking at the world through a pane of glass -not really connecting, just caught up in a cycle of scary thoughts and feelings. Not a very nice place to be.

It was exactly when I was at my most low that I stumbled across a technique by accident that fully turned my life around. This technique helped me stop panic attacks in their tracks. I could not believe it, it was like winning the lottery. I was delighted but skeptical and waited a few more days to see if it would work again. It did. Again and again.

I was suddenly in char ge of the anxiety and my life once more. It was an really wonderful feeling of gaining control of my life again.

Over the course of a week or two my general anxiety levels dropped to zero and my self confidence soared. Like a man released form a prison sentence I wanted to catch up on all the things I had postponed due to my high anxiety - things like flying away on holiday or going on away on weekends with friends.

Once cured, I wanted to let others know what was going on with me and maybe share the technique with people that were also having a similar problem. I had no idea then where this would lead me.

I discovered many people I knew had suffered from something very similar. I began sharing my ideas, and put together a rough version of what is now known as the PANIC AWAY course. The basis of the course is built around the technique that eliminates panic attacks. This technique later became know as the ONE MOVE technique.

The results were astounding. People were thanking me for having restored a quality of life they thought would never return. All I was doing was showing them the way I found my way out of an anxiety disorder. People reported instant panic reversal and later results confirmed that the technique was not only effective straight away but also a permanent drug free solution to a range of panic disorders.

I have since taught the course to thousands of people around the world with similar success. The bottom line is that there is great hope for anyone suffering from
panic attacks. The course has developed in leaps and bounds. I have coached people who have suffered from anxiety disorders for over 30 years, and they have reported excellent results within days of using the course and applying the tools and techniques.

---Joe Berry

Ask for a Joke

How can we boost our mental health in the COVID-19 era to minimize the impact of the virus and the “social distancing” in our lives, and to ...