Involve your audience, by getting them visualizing. If they have a problem you can solve, they need to see themselvesfeeling the pain, and applying your solution.
Here's a formula to do just that.
Describe a current action that you're prospect would rather not be doing, followed by an alternative action that is the result of you're solution. For example, if you repair roofs for a living.
One of the keys to creating mental imagery is to use action words. In the above example wondering, worrying, seeping, ruining, rotting, getting your hands on, ask, spot, watch out for, getting, and relax, are all verbs that spark images. The adjectives, easy to understand, so called, slime ball, fair, and reputable, also aid in creating the visualization.
Type your summary here
Now you would think that with the reputation the home repair industry has that somebody would have an ad just like this one in the yellow pages. I had a look in mine, and there's not one. Just a bunch of me too, we are the best, get your name out there, fluff.
What does that tell you? Could you apply something like this to your own business? It's a simple, repeatable, crush the competition formula that can be applied to almost anything. Just cut and paste.
Analogy is another powerful tool for creating mental images. If you are trying to get your point across, so your prospect can understand how she will benefit, and be in a position to take action, relate the benefits of your product to something that's already familiar.
One of my favorites is the Shampoo commercial where the girl is moaning in the shower, while she washes her hair. That's how good it feels to wash your hair with that stuff.
Use action words, adjectives, analogy, and story telling to get your point across, and watch your business grow!
Now some of you might be thinking, this wont work for me, I sell high-ticket items to sophisticated corporate buyers. They wont relate to this stuff.
I can tell you categorically that these principles are universal. All you need to do to apply them in literally any situation is flavor them appropriately. They actually work even better in stuffy corporate environments, because the run of the mill marketing used in those situations is so painfully dry, boring, and frankly downright awful.
My associate, Perry Marshall has written an excellent tutorial that tells you just how to do it, and get more leads, response, and credibility than you could ever hope to with traditional techniques.